Germinating process?


Well-Known Member
I have three seeds that I got from a friend that I'm pretty sure are kinda old, but they're still good. I put all three of them in a glass of water (bottled) and all sunk. After, I did the paper towel method. One of them looks like it's about to root, but the other two will need more time. It's been almost 24 hours but I know with older seeds it can take longer.

My question is, my paper towels are dry and there is only a little bit on condensation left on the upper plate. Are you supposed to replace them with moist paper towels if they get dry or just leave them?

Note: This IS my first attempt at this lol


Well-Known Member
NEVER let them dry out.
I germinate all seeds the same way. In a clear plastic tub of water with a lid (from chinese take-away) in my snakes vivarium (85f).
As soon as they pop, very carefully into a root-riot cube. Works great.


Well-Known Member
I use a empty dvd case (half baked to be specific) and a folded moist napkin . It Stays moist without needing to wet it again for days.
Sit it on top of your cable box and youre good to go.

I'm actually popping a few beans with this method right now .

Out of the 20 I put two days ago I'm only waiting on 6 to show tap root


Well-Known Member
I just put em in a damp paper towel inside a baggie in the sock drawer for a couple days. No problems with drying out this way.