Germinating probles


Active Member
I'm having problems with germinating.

I've tried squeezing the seeds to see if the crack. If they DON'T crack
I drop 'em in a glass of H2O for 24 hrs then pop 'em into a germ tray
w/ soil, on a heat pad (75 degrees) and cover w/ a clear dome for 3-4

My problem is I'm only getting about 10% to sprout.

I am only using bag seed (good quality, $200-250 oz) but I should get better results than 10%. And untill I get better I see no point in going to designer

Any advice?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

Um.... stop squeezing your seeds. and stop droppoing them in water..

Get rockwool cubes and put the seeds in the cubes.. about 1/8 - 1/4 of an inch... so you can still see the seed.. keep the cube moist.. You will get 95% germination..


Never handle the seeds more than you need to.. soaking them in water is dangerous.. 'cause if you OVER soak, they drown..

and NOW you KNOWM

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Well-Known Member
I have always germinated my seeds in a wet paper towel and a ziplock baggie. I place on top of my fridge and cover with newspaper. 3-4 days later 100% germination. Never liked the idea of placing seeds in soil to germinate.
Anyway that's how I do it.