Germinating for hydro setup!!

True Stoner

Active Member
Ok so i have my shit ready to start germinating and im going to be going hydro and not soil. I just spent almost $300 on seeds so i wanna do this right!! Whats the best way to germinate. i have a Tray witha lattice strainer in it and it has a dome, i also have the little rockwool cubes, i also have a heating mat and thermastate and i have a bottle of hydro thrive. Someone please let me know what they would do as i dont wannna have duds!! Thanks

Illegal Smile

I strongly advise you make 150% certain every detail of your grow system is ready before you start germinating, especially many seeds.

I float them in water 12-16 hrs then put them in a folded damp paper towel on a plate with another plate covering it, then put that in a dark warm place. I use the cupboard over the refridge. Make sure you label them if not all the same strain.

True Stoner

Active Member
What did you buy the rockwool for? :lol:
I got it for when i sprout a seedling i just put it in the rockwool, the fellow at the hydroponics shop suggested taht i just put teh seed right in the cube. I know how to germinate i just dont want to have any issues as this is my first time ever attempting to grow pot!! I wish i knew how to upload a pic so i could show you peeps my set up so far!! I had to rip the mylar off the ceiling as i had to find out where the 4 corner studs were thatr i made for the ceiling as the ceiling had to be shorter then the basement ceiling due to pipes and shit sticking out of the ceiling so i just made my own, anyways im finally done doing that and now i just set up my shelf/table. Im using a metel shelfing unit that has wooden shelfs and you make it yourself as well. Im hoping it can hold the weight of everything once the plants get bigger. Its meant to have to 2 halves for the shelving unit. The bottom half and the top half and theres 4 shelves in total so im just using the bottom half with 2 shelves . The bottom shelf will be for my res when i get it up and running and the top part is where the flood table will sit ...thats if it fits. Anyways im also using 2 cfls for seedlings and when they get about 2 weeks or so im turning on the 600watt HPS light!! My room is so fucking small buts thats all i have to work with as i have 2 younger kids in the house which are my girlfriends and i wouldnt want them finding out as last night i was doing something in there and i look out and theres the younger daughter standing there looking at me. I didnt have the lights on in the room but im sure she seen all teh mylar!!! Now im worried as if she says anything to her dad my girlfriend will lose them and i could live with myself for that so i have put a lock on there and im cautious now when im down there and they are here!! Well i dont want to start germinating untill i have a PH tester. Im sure i could start without it. The guy at the hydr shop said that if i use city water which is apparently 7.0 PH and i use a 20 gallon pail and add 1 and ahalf drops of PH down it should get me in my range. I have my heat mat and thermastat which i bought today and cost me $200 canadian!! My mat can fit 4 of those seedling trays so i can use it under my setup when my plants get bigger since its freezing in my basement!! I even switched over my electrical receptical that im using the power bar in from a 15 amp to a 20 amp so i dont blow any fuses!! Well ill keep ya's posted!!! Thanks for any advice!!:joint::mrgreen:bongsmilie


im in the same boat your in. I jus got my seeds and also have a hydro setup. the problem im having is after germination,
and getting my root cube to a 6.4 ph the seedling are dieing in the cubes after hey pop out, its like they dry out.
you would think to much light or to much heat my closet stays at 87 light i use for the cubes is 18w soft light not bright at all.
i keep trying to use bag seed till i get it right their no way im going to use my sweet tooth, or top dawg yet. so any advice would be good.

True Stoner

Active Member
I have also heard of many people having this problem. I kind of wondering to start in soil for my first try!! Ill also experiment with teh hydroponics as well!! Im still deciding!!

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
I have also heard of many people having this problem. I kind of wondering to start in soil for my first try!! Ill also experiment with teh hydroponics as well!! Im still deciding!!
i was thinking that your throwing yourself into wolves for wanting to go hydro on first go at growing... i think you should go soil and then clone off a mother plant that you grew in soil... and then use your rockwool cubes for the new clones that you can use for your hydro setup... soil is more forgiving.. 300 bucks is alot of money for seeds...

violator kush

Active Member
DF is 100% right, hydro is great, but not for rookies, put them bean in some soil and then when there big, then clone the shit out of them, why to go DF

True Stoner

Active Member
i was thinking that your throwing yourself into wolves for wanting to go hydro on first go at growing... i think you should go soil and then clone off a mother plant that you grew in soil... and then use your rockwool cubes for the new clones that you can use for your hydro setup... soil is more forgiving.. 300 bucks is alot of money for seeds...
I think im going to go soil and then hydro with clones. Its definitely a learning process!!! Thanks