Germinating a seedling


Well-Known Member
Thanks King.

I did get some light damage on one plant but since I moved the light higher all is good. I guess I found the sweet spot for now.
Plants look short and green, i guess you found the sweet spot and then some. They are really short and pretty much what you want so i guess we have seen the power of 400w Mh in the veg tent, verdict is very very strong for seedlings and young veg plants.

I have not given any of the plants any nutes yet. Tomorrow is their first feeding. I am planning on giving them .7EC. Just to confirm: My tap water comes in at .3EC so if I want to give them .7EC of nutes my meter has to read 1EC. Is this correct guys.
They look good without nutes at the moment, any dose now is just a one off to see how they respond. Forget feeding charts and recomendations just give them a shot and wait a week or so to see if they respond positively or negatively.

Please check on this as i just EC or ppm to the total amount needed i.e. if i want .8EC feed and my tap is .2EC i then add .6EC to make .8EC and feed but i feel most do it the other way around.

What i can and like doing is work out the cal/mag ratios and amounts for your tapwater, are you UK or US based and can you get your local area water suppliers details online etc etc their water analysis should explain wether your tap water is good in calcium and magnesium?? Peace