Germinating a seed in my mouth


Well-Known Member
yeah, so i had 1 bean in my mouth for about 4 days and then stuck another one in there. at the end of day 10, i decided that they weren't going to do anything, so they went in the garbage.


Well-Known Member
I would say this myth has been busted *

If anyone wants to try and prove it works, go ahead. I think 10 days is record lol


Well-Known Member
Well it started as just throwing a seed in my mouth, while I was breaking up bud, but now im curious to see if I can get the seed to sprout in my mouth.

Its been in there for 5 hours now, brushing my teeth was a bit hard, but I did it, and im currently eating right now. Im just keeping it on the top of my mouth, in my cheek.

You guys think this could work?
This is the dumbest thing ive read in quite a while...sorry to say..:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Some Body Should Try Planting A Seed In A Cavity. Mayb The Tooths Roots System Will Connect With The Seeds J.k (dont Try That At Home)


Well-Known Member
hahah thats harsh cali :finger: lol

I think best part is other people tried it as well = )

would have been cool if it worked tho, I wonder what it would have felt like when it broke lol , kinda nasty to think about :hump:


Well-Known Member
Marijuana nuts are really good for you (the nut inside the seed), try one it tastes yummy. Shame it's so tiny and the shell isn't really edible, but the nut inside does taste nice!

10 days with a seed in your mouth, wow, I can't even last 15 seconds with an m&m before crunching it up. I could never even make it one day.


Active Member
lol, here is a nice concept for you..

should it germ well and you plant's roots have absorbed some of your DNA! When you smoke it with your friends..they will be smoking a part of you!

..creepy, yet sentimental somehow


Well-Known Member
lol, here is a nice concept for you..

should it germ well and you plant's roots have absorbed some of your DNA! When you smoke it with your friends..they will be smoking a part of you!

..creepy, yet sentimental somehow
mostly creepy :mrgreen: