germinated seeds in paper towels


Active Member
hi all i have germinated some seeds in paper towels i forgot all about them and they have been in the paper towels for a week now and the have all broken from the seeds shells and are like a big long white root can i still plant them or will they not grow properly


Well-Known Member
Re moisten the towel and very gently plant them.
Next time just germ in the grow medium.

Just remember pot does affect memory. It helps to write stuff down.
Are these the only seeds or plants your growing?
If so and you forgot that quick, take notes and make a journal. You don't want to double or triple feed because you forgot.


Active Member
hi white bb
thanks for the reply no this is the first time if ever bought seeds normally only use clones but fancied trying critical jack and completely forgot about them the towel is still very moist so u think i should just get them straight in some moist soil asap do u think they will grow alright


Well-Known Member
They'll be fine, plant them in your growing medium and be very gentle about it. If it has cotyledon leaves exposed already, don't burry them, leave them above soil and burry the root.

Just went through this with a White Rhino seed that germinated extremely fast. It is doing fine.


hi all i have germinated some seeds in paper towels i forgot all about them and they have been in the paper towels for a week now and the have all broken from the seeds shells and are like a big long white root can i still plant them or will they not grow properly
ITS NOT GOOD TO LET THEM STRETCH to much it would have maybe dried out again not good @ this point theres a chance that ( i am speaking about a soil grow) they may not show 1 time about 4 year ago i lost 8 they broke the shell & germinated but not 1 came up top it cost me a few £ but what i done was went back to the basics and what works for me . i kept with the paper towel people say put it in a glass of water for some time i think its a waste of time i started checking them after 2 days ( in fact i have just started a new grow so i will tell you how its going ) i am doing 5 all autos @ this point auto regs fems are all the same way with dealing with them am doing a viking loke from norden,northern lights from nirvana white Dwarf x skunk x lavender ( never done this 1 b4 ) cheese from dinafem & a
Auto Pounder this gives a good yield for an auto. since my mistake back then b4 potting i sieve the soil so it not hard getting it like sand in a way i only want to re pot ones with autos step 1 put the soft soil in a small pot don't push it down step 2 i use a pen make the hole depending on the size it is step 3 water the pot no seed in yet keeping the hole the size i want step 4 put the seed in with clean tweezers don't manhandle it or smoke around it it important to be as clean as possible. put it in the hole but so its level with the soil line is i then sive more soil over the top you dont need to put 2 much on just around 1 cm i then use a spoon and water the new soil you need to make sure its not going to dry out in 1 or 2 days step 5 i then put a freezer bag over the top of the pot making sure the no holes in it you're making like its in a greenhouse i then put elastic bands over it you want it well sealed but make sure when u do it u dont press the pot as it could push the seed up where light gets to it u would lose that plant ( what its doing is holding the water in ) don't cover the bottom of the pot the last step i put them under a fish tank light not long after you will see the condensation if u see that you no its sealed good i had 2 come up yesterday and 2 this morning the n/light is the only 1 to show but it was the last 1 to germ take of the covers when u see the 2 green leafs part don't take off any covers 2 get a better look you could set it back or lose it when all is off i will keep them under that light until i think there ready for my hps light what goes from 250 watt to 600 watt with an extra 50 watt booster on it i turn it up when the times right some of my autos say 7 to 8 weeks i always put an extra 2 weeks on it when buying and there finished when there finished not because the seed bank says 8 weeks if you want a plant for a certain time give your plant time for drying & curing if you fast dry it your not going to see what that plants like when it was done right. i made a lot of mistakes in my first 2 or 3 grows @ that time i had more room so i was doing 12&12 big bud was a good 1 i am writing this as it maybe help someone who starting out as when i was on sites when i started they where a lot of people who thought you were daft for asking about something they had done a few plants and thought they were the king of growing when you get the basics right you will find your way and thats the right way for you weed is 1 of the greatest things on this plant over the last year i have seen a big change in getting it and (speaking about where i am from ) and i think its plain 2 see whats caused this and thats legal highs people are putting them like its weed no 1 has died from smoking weed the help it gives to people with medical problems i am seeing 16 year olds cutting themselves where there marked for life i am worried for the young ones as they think this stuff is great no lie i have been to 3 funerals this year and legal highs played a major part in there death r.i.p cliff,jamie,and agnes your gone but ur not forgotten plz speak out what you think about this crap as its getting pushed under the carpet by the so called mps that are supposed to work for us.if weed was legal you would not have as many dead people and dont try and say mary joy (l/high) and big bud or cheese are the same kind i dont even no how i got on to this but am i the only 1 that feels like this? i hope your crop comes threw man and i hope people dont diss me for putting the way i do mine as i am only putting it out there to help someone if they r just starting out respect to all here & past i have got these books on my pc i got a copy from a pal 6 months ago there nothing out there what these books can tell you about everything about weed growing grow room police stuff when i say everything i mean everything i am crap around computers i no very little but if anyone wants a copy by pdf (i dont even no what that means ) tell me how to do it and i will post it on there great and no there not written by me i wish they where