

Alright i have made like two other topics on this but last one promise. On the sprout that came outta the seed it has some fuzzy white hairs i don't know if that's normal if it's really bad? Can anybody help?


Well-Known Member
who the fuck knows and really who cares as long as it grows you're ok. Don't worrry so much you'll drive yourself crazy.


Well-Known Member
I usually water the dirt and then put the seed in, but its all right to go ahead and water it. Just make sure you let it dry out completely before you do the watering after that.


Well-Known Member
I usually water the dirt and then put the seed in, but its all right to go ahead and water it. Just make sure you let it dry out completely before you do the watering after that.

  • Let what dry out? the soil or the seed and should i poke holes in the the bottom of the container?​
  • water medium, put seed it water medium moist then let it dry out before watering again... Just like southner said... OK??
    Good luck man....
