Germany just abolished college tuition fees (even for international students)

@kelly4 got some of the last batch, i'll let him tell you how weak it is.

also, you're fat.

You grow dope. You claim you have a lot of money and a lot of free time. What are you doing with it? Anything to better yourself and those around you? Ever try volunteer work? Or do you just lay around all day, acting the bum? Yes, we all know you play some golf here and there. But what good are you really doing? You have an opportunity to put yourself out there and do positive things. Why aren't you?

And way to go on snitching out your fellow dopers, just to make yourself look better.
You grow dope. You claim you have a lot of money and a lot of free time. What are you doing with it? Anything to better yourself and those around you? Ever try volunteer work? Or do you just lay around all day, acting the bum? Yes, we all know you play some golf here and there. But what good are you really doing? You have an opportunity to put yourself out there and do positive things. Why aren't you?

And way to go on snitching out your fellow dopers, just to make yourself look better.

i bet kelly is gonna be pissed that i "snitched him out" as a smoker.

i bet he didn't want anyone knowing that.
i bet kelly is gonna be pissed that i "snitched him out" as a smoker.

i bet he didn't want anyone knowing that.

I prefer not to share other people's business. But that's just me.

I noticed you completely ignored the rest of the post. Keep bragging about how awesome you are. God knows we all need convincing. You worthless doper.
I prefer not to share other people's business. But that's just me.

I noticed you completely ignored the rest of the post. Keep bragging about how awesome you are. God knows we all need convincing. You worthless doper.

i am pretty awesome.

beats being fat!
Antisemitism? You got some wancy little balls on you stormfront snitchrape...

Bet you took your grandmas inheritance money and used that antisemitic windfall to your advantage!
How do you fund things without the use of force?

Why should I pay taxes if I don't have to?

If I don't have to, how do things like roads be built?

You have to admit the society in which we would live in without taxation would be substantially less beneficial to progress and innovation.

Imo, I think your unyielding view of "no force" is very detrimental to society at large. Without it, we'd be living in the dark ages.

Thanks for the polite conversation, but I'm afraid we disagree.

I have to admit that WITH force as a cornerstone of societal interaction we STILL are living in the dark ages.

Perspectives of most people living in the here and now is never that the normal things they do are wrong...until a hundred years later then "everybody knows" that burning witches wasn't such a cool idea. Coercive government will run its course too.

Taxation does not fuel progress or innovation, it stifles it.

Also, I believe defensive force is justified, but to initiate aggression is wrong.

If you disagree please give an example of when you think it is okay to initiate aggression against a person that isn't bothering you.