germanating seeds


Well-Known Member
when the sprout has popped out do i need to use a jiffy pellet or can it go striaght into pots in my room with my 600hps or will i need to introduce it to light gradually i have 10 ready to plant today any help please


Well-Known Member
you can plant them in either jiffy or straight into pots. soon as they're in start them on whatever light cycle you have chosen. 600w hps is quite strong for seedlings so make sure you keep it a wee ways away and there is sufficient air flow


Well-Known Member
Seeds need only moisture and warmth( 25 to 30C) to germinate. Doesn´t matter a jot whether they are in soil, paper, rockwool or whatever. Why not start them in soil, then you don´t get your problem.

And I have found that freshly popped sprouts can go immediately under the strong Spanish sun no problem.


i wet a paper towel stick two seeds in it and fold it up stick it in a baggy wrap it up and put it on top of your water heater for 3 days and come back there will b a root started bury it in soil a finger tip deep and let it be should pop above ground in the next 2-3 days


Well-Known Member
i wet a paper towel stick two seeds in it and fold it up stick it in a baggy wrap it up and put it on top of your water heater for 3 days and come back there will b a root started bury it in soil a finger tip deep and let it be should pop above ground in the next 2-3 days
seems like alot of work for almost no gain im not knocking you bro but your just making things harder on yourself doing all that extra stuff and increasing the chance something could go wrong on you and 6 days is a long time to wait, my sprouts start coming up within 2 days of putting the seed in the dirt.


Well-Known Member
i would personally start my seed off in a jiffy pot , or peat pellet , or a cup , ect..,

to let the roots develop and build a little strength ,

then i would transplant into a bigger size container or pot ..

thats just how i would do it ,

you can plant your sprout straight in a big container if you want

i just like to get a good root structure first then pot up ...


hey D.D ,

do you do direct seeding or do you germ your seeds first

i just ask cause i always germ first ,

but if your doing direct seeding and your sprout pops up in 2 days from seed

then i might go that route ,

it takes a couple of days for my seeds to germ using the paper towel method

then a day or 2 to break soil ,

so yea i will try direct seeding if thats what your doing ...
I seem to be having trouble getting any seeds started at the moment, I had some trouble last year but this year is terrible. I am wondering if they are passed their used by date. Although they have been kept in dark dry places and aren't older than 5 years I have had a very poor success rate. I also have some Jack Herer seeds that were given to me and none of them have sprouted, after putting 30 in and nothing coming out, I'm starting to get worried. I soak the seeds in water and then I put them I water them into a organic seed raising mix which I purchased at the local market, really good stuff. Still nothing, any pointers? Should I try other methods, this method has worked well in the past, so I wonder why it doesn't work now? Any pointers would be great.


Well-Known Member
I am wondering if they are passed their used by date. Although they have been kept in dark dry places and aren't older than 5 years I have had a very poor success rate.
I found some WW seeds that I produced myself were fine for 2 or 3 years, but were no longer viable after 5 years. And I have bought seeds that I suspect are past their grow by date.
i just take the seeds and put them in the dirt.
Yes I used to do this too, but this last year has been shocking.

I soaked the next 10 jack herer seeds for two days put them in a damp cloth and covered it up with a plastic bag, now that has been put away in a dark place for the next 2-3 days, I will then check and see if they have sprouted properly.


Well-Known Member
fold a paper towel on a small plate lie your seeds on cover with a folded paper towel and just spray and in a day or two they should start sprouting i have just done ten and everyone sprouted i put them in soil yesterday and nothing has came up today i checked when my light came on


Well-Known Member
I soaked the next 10 jack herer seeds for two days put them in a damp cloth and covered it up with a plastic bag, now that has been put away in a dark place for the next 2-3 days, I will then check and see if they have sprouted properly.
Seeds do not need darkness to sprout. Warmth and moisture are the only requirements.


Well-Known Member
I seem to be having trouble getting any seeds started at the moment, I had some trouble last year but this year is terrible. I am wondering if they are passed their used by date. Although they have been kept in dark dry places and aren't older than 5 years I have had a very poor success rate. I also have some Jack Herer seeds that were given to me and none of them have sprouted, after putting 30 in and nothing coming out, I'm starting to get worried. I soak the seeds in water and then I put them I water them into a organic seed raising mix which I purchased at the local market, really good stuff. Still nothing, any pointers? Should I try other methods, this method has worked well in the past, so I wonder why it doesn't work now? Any pointers would be great.
try soaking them in some warm water with a drop of peroxide in it and wait till you see them crack and then put into the soil, if that dont work i think your pretty much out of luck. I've seen people talk about another method where from what i understood you sort of cut/break the seed a bit to help it pop, but i have no experience with it and would not attempt it myself, but if you cant get em to germ anyway i suppose its worth a shot/looking into. You dont really have much to lose from trying it as a last resort. I dont know the specific steps involved or where you could locate some info on it but google always works good for me.
Well, thank you all for your help and suggestions, Spanishfly I was told that it was best that seeds liked the dark and didn't need much light to germinate. I think I may have also even read it here on RIU. DarkDestruction420, I don't know if I'm that game with cracking them open and I don't like the idea of peroxide either, anyway in the end its no sweat, just today I recieved 40 seedlings all in perfect health, so once harvested I will buy new seeds. They may actually germinate.


Well-Known Member
peroxide wont hurt them, ive done that method many times myself and have never had a problem with it. you should try it, i've seen it work with seeds from the same batch that didnt work going right into the dirt or into pellets. I want to see if it does the trick for yours as well.