Germ. BF Cookies Kush in Rockwool HELP


Hey guys im totally new in the community. I really need someones input who knows a thing or two. I am not a total Newb. Lets just say its been about 10 years. Anyway i have decided to get back into it. Not a whole hydro setup with my homemade ebb and flow system. Just simple soil for the first run. I have a tent setup with a 400w HPS suntube which has an addict fan with tubing connected on one side and runs out the other side of tent with tubing. Thats just so you get an idea of what my conditions are. its 70 degrees constant in their. Now I got some seeds from Barneys Farm (Cookies Kush) ( If your here to tell me how shitty BF is please,,, thats an opinion guys i really just need help so if you want just forget me saying BF and think of it as bagseed then. just give me an answer please) As far as germinating goes I always used the paper towel method. Now I hear all these youngsters talking about putting it in water and not using paper towel method... my local hydro store ( while there was a grodan rep there) said best way to germinate is seed straight into rockwool cube. knuckle deep. low pH water (5.5-6.0) soak cubes. Poke hole with sterilized paper clip. Put seeds in. And cover with dome.

Now I did all that on the 28th and I have NEVER had it take this long for seeds to pop. Yesterday i took the paperclip (sterilized) and looked into the wholes (SUPER GENTLY). They are germinated and have a taproot for sure... I put them back put the dome over and told myself they should pop by today. Still nothing.... My idea is just putting them right into FF Light warrior and take them out of the cubes?

Whats going on please someone help me??????


Well-Known Member
Mist the seedlings with 75F H2O,Oxygen saturation helps.From now on only plant to half a nuckle or .375in.


Mist the seedlings with 75F H2O,Oxygen saturation helps.From now on only plant to half a nuckle or .375in.
So I should leave them in the rockwool where they are now? I just have a feeling somethings not going right. It seems the taproot doesnt want to start rooting in the rockwool...

Is it a bad idea to take the seedlings out of the rockwool cubes ( since they are popped and have taproot) and put them in a small cup with light warrior?

Any opinion would be VERY helpful...

Thanks guys