Here's the deal with universal health care. First, yeah, you'll likely pay a little more in taxes, But, and this is a big but, You'll not have any insurance premiums or co-pays. It would probably balance out if you took the big xcorporations out of it and had not for profit health care, the only way to fly. Why should coporations be making profit on your illness? Most of the paid people in health care would retain their positions, just the greedy stockholders and CEOs would be out. Insurance employees could transfer to the government health care and have a lot better perks.
This system works remarkably well in many countries accross the globe, in fact we are the only 1st world country without universal health care of some kind. Proof of citizenship should be required for treatments. No sneaking accross the border for treatments.
The main people against this are high paid execs in the insurance industry or the HMOs, Doctors that don't understand the benefits, (See hippocratic oath), and rich right wing assholes that basically hate humanity and think everyone is trying to get their money, (See ViRedd).