Hello fellow lurking New Englanders,
First let me start off by saying read every outdoor grow guide out there.
Secondly, Ill address the mistakes i made last year and things i did do right.
Don't tell a single soul, not a person. It's hard enough not getting your plot found by strangers and helicopters. If you have a partner I pity you, more people making a trail to the spot more chance of being seen, just way more cons then pros.
Also, Getting a good start on your plants is huge, you have to start them inside for at least a couple weeks, then backpack the plants out in mid-late May. You can either make a drop with your plants and then bike out there or if you have the luxury just bike the whole way. make sure your never seen going in and out of your spot, don't make a path.
To Backtrack even before this, if your doing a Guerrilla grow like I do. You should have your bales of Promix or other nutural substrate already hiked out somewhere in the New England brush, with holes pre-dug or at least with intention to get those dug in April when the ground thaws. this is labor intensive and dangerous because if your seen hauling soil in the woods you look obvious.
Use indica's or Autos
Make sure your have a WATER SOURCE, swamps are everywhere in New England, and I my self swear by them. hide a gallon or something to lug the water to your plants near by the spot.
Last but not least, our weather is unpredictable and fierce, especially late summer/fall when the plants are burdened with heavy buds. you need Support! so stake your plants or cage them or both, but do something.
Hope that helps