Geneticaly modified food


Well-Known Member
I recently heard that California voters will b voting on a new rule regarding G M food products.The bill wwnts to make the producers of all food products that include geneticaly modified ingredients to be clearly labled for the consumer. I also hear that Monsanto and others are fighting this with threats of lawsuits and other litigation. I would like to hear what the people from Californiahave to say about this.......Or to anyone else who may have an opinion on geneticaly modified foods....
There isn't much food today that isn't geniticaly modified/engineered. I don't see how adding another label will help.

Hmmm....unmodified foods. Honey, some apples, some seafood.... Come on, help me here.

What else do we consume that hasn't been modified?
most of the fresh produce you buy has not been genetically modified. GM alterations are usually more geared towards the grains and legumes used in processed foods.

the new labels will basically be just another dumb ass warning sticker that means nothing

Warning! These Hotpockets contain GM soybean vegetable paste and GM roundup-ready wheat flour.

people who eat hotpockets are too sensible and pragmatic to give a shit about dumbass labels like that.

or maybe too high to read them
most of the fresh produce you buy has not been genetically modified. GM alterations are usually more geared towards the grains and legumes used in processed foods.

the new labels will basically be just another dumb ass warning sticker that means nothing

Warning! These Hotpockets contain GM soybean vegetable paste and GM roundup-ready wheat flour.

people who eat hotpockets are too sensible and pragmatic to give a shit about dumbass labels like that.

or maybe too high to read them

Almost everything on the planet has been genetically modified. Our food, our pets, and ourselves. People who are against GM are just not very bright and need to just sit down and shut the fuck up.
Almost everything on the planet has been genetically modified. Our food, our pets, and ourselves. People who are against GM are just not very bright and need to just sit down and shut the fuck up.

there is a considerable difference between natural selection or selective breeding (slow gradual changes within a species) and direct manipulation of genetic material in a lab. in the early 90's a company called Genetech released a bacterium into the atmosphere which was designed to Significantly increase the temperature at which water turns to ice or snow! over the past 20 years this genetically modified bacterium has been fond in samples from the stratosphere to the ocean's benthic deeps. climatologists are still trying to figure out how badly we are fucked.

this could be the only real source of man made climate change. and the best part is why they did it... to reduce the damage that early frosts do to strawberries.

some wacky experiments could conceivably result in a strain of a plant or animal thta could displace it's natural competitors resulting in destabilization of the biosphere.

heres a nightmare scenario for you:

in an attempt to create a microbe based heavy metal contamination cleanup program, a little of the stuff escapes to the sea. the critter spreads and reproduces feeding on the naturally occuring heavy metal content of the oceans. they collect and concentrate the metals in their cell membranes, and out-compete their normal competitors by being deadly to their predators. including whales, fish crabs coral tube worms etc.

in a matter of a few hundred years the sea is a gelatinous toxic mass of a single microbe. all life on earth ends.

this is not only terrifying, it is possible.

careless genetic modification could result in global death, but nudging a food crop to increase production is not gonna end the world. its all about balance. science has dangers, but insane pathological terror leads only to bullshit.

edit: the above scenario is astronomically unlikely. the fools who froth at the mouth and convince starving africans that GM crops are poison are pure evil, irredeemable and wicked beyond belief. they should be stoned to death in the village square for their hateful agenda driven lies that serve no purpose but to enhance their personal feelings of power. GM crops are powerful tools, and not any different than the normal crops when you eat them. if the lies told by the econauts were true, they would all have devolved into organic small batch artisinal kale by now. Eating food does NOT transfer genetic material to the eater from the food. that is retarded.
Almost everything on the planet has been genetically modified. Our food, our pets, and ourselves. People who are against GM are just not very bright and need to just sit down and shut the fuck up.

You are correct about everything on this planet being genetically modified but you are clearly missing the point.

You are not correct about the intelligence of the people who oppose it. They tend to be very bright and unlike yourself, they have not missed the point.

We are not talking about Mendel's GMO, we are talking about Monsanto's GMO and the difference between the two is the point.

Perhaps you should sit, shut the fuck up and listen/read about the point that you do not get.
If we are doing something for a quick simple fix to our food issues we fail to look at the long term effects these modifications have on this world we are in or ourselves.
Simply adding too or taking away from a natural occurrence has consequences... good and bad...
We like the quick fix to everything. We want our store bought tomatoes to taste like homegrown so lets find the genetics that make the home grown one and modify the store bought one... (actually just happened)
Awww fuck, Frankenstein syndrome (all over again).

Go yell at some clouds, and don't forget to shake your fists.
Awww fuck, Frankenstein syndrome (all over again).

Go yell at some clouds, and don't forget to shake your fists.

Is this a personal preference that you have found to be useful? Do you find answers there?

You seem to write in sound bites. Or is it code? When you come out of your knowledge-proof bunker in order to crawl to the store of ignorance for a 12 pack, pick up a book that will instruct you on the correct way to remove you cranium from your rectum.

You are not smarter than most other people, your stupid friends just make you feel that way.
I am trying to grow all my own food and save my own seeds! This is a step in the right direction, and I would feel more comfortable purchasing food at supermarkets.
Almost everything on the planet has been genetically modified. Our food, our pets, and ourselves. People who are against GM are just not very bright and need to just sit down and shut the fuck up.

Please educate yourself before you post again, your embarrassing
there is a considerable difference between natural selection or selective breeding (slow gradual changes within a species) and direct manipulation of genetic material in a lab. in the early 90's a company called Genetech released a bacterium into the atmosphere which was designed to Significantly increase the temperature at which water turns to ice or snow! over the past 20 years this genetically modified bacterium has been fond in samples from the stratosphere to the ocean's benthic deeps. climatologists are still trying to figure out how badly we are fucked.

this could be the only real source of man made climate change. and the best part is why they did it... to reduce the damage that early frosts do to strawberries.

some wacky experiments could conceivably result in a strain of a plant or animal thta could displace it's natural competitors resulting in destabilization of the biosphere.

heres a nightmare scenario for you:

in an attempt to create a microbe based heavy metal contamination cleanup program, a little of the stuff escapes to the sea. the critter spreads and reproduces feeding on the naturally occuring heavy metal content of the oceans. they collect and concentrate the metals in their cell membranes, and out-compete their normal competitors by being deadly to their predators. including whales, fish crabs coral tube worms etc.

in a matter of a few hundred years the sea is a gelatinous toxic mass of a single microbe. all life on earth ends.

this is not only terrifying, it is possible.

careless genetic modification could result in global death, but nudging a food crop to increase production is not gonna end the world. its all about balance. science has dangers, but insane pathological terror leads only to bullshit.

edit: the above scenario is astronomically unlikely. the fools who froth at the mouth and convince starving africans that GM crops are poison are pure evil, irredeemable and wicked beyond belief. they should be stoned to death in the village square for their hateful agenda driven lies that serve no purpose but to enhance their personal feelings of power. GM crops are powerful tools, and not any different than the normal crops when you eat them. if the lies told by the econauts were true, they would all have devolved into organic small batch artisinal kale by now. Eating food does NOT transfer genetic material to the eater from the food. that is retarded.

this post is full of bullshit, mixed with some facts.

For one, show ANYTHING showing GE ice-minus bacteria being found in the stratosphere, ocean depths, and climatologists discussions.

Secondly, GM foods dont feed starving africans. Starving africans feed starving africans.

First they need clean water from wells ( they need basic drilling tools and materials and a pump, and techniques ) to water any potential crops. Then they need compost and knowledge of organic gardening, THEN THEY NEED SEEDS OF VEGETABLES, OF ANY KIND. If you think sending Roundup ready corn seed, ( and roundup herbicide - environment killer!! ) to africa is going to end starvation you're delusional.
So far no one has shown any real data to even suggest GMO crops are dangerous. (in this thread I mean) All the arguments against GMO I have seen have been based on an ideology rather than science, unless I am unaware.

I am against the practice of selling sterile seeds to ensure your customer comes back, but that is a policy issue, not a science one. I have many problems with the conduct of these companies, but I have yet to understand why GMO crops are necessarily bad in and of themselves. I also often hear people lump GMO together with corporate farming. It's sickening to see how animals are treated in a CAFO and to know they are being pumped full of antibiotics and/or steroids, yet that has nothing to do with GMO crops.

We are not talking about Mendel's GMO, we are talking about Monsanto's GMO and the difference between the two is the point.

I would be interested in reading about the differences, got a link?
So far no one has shown any real data to even suggest GMO crops are dangerous. (in this thread I mean) All the arguments against GMO I have seen have been based on an ideology rather than science, unless I am unaware.

I am against the practice of selling sterile seeds to ensure your customer comes back, but that is a policy issue, not a science one. I have many problems with the conduct of these companies, but I have yet to understand why GMO crops are necessarily bad in and of themselves. I also often hear people lump GMO together with corporate farming. It's sickening to see how animals are treated in a CAFO and to know they are being pumped full of antibiotics and/or steroids, yet that has nothing to do with GMO crops.

I would be interested in reading about the differences, got a link?

I believe the principal difference is that Mendel refers to selective breeding, while true GM involves gene splicing. cn
I believe the principal difference is that Mendel refers to selective breeding, while true GM involves gene splicing. cn

I see, thanks for the clarification.

So the problem is with precision? Not leaving enough guess work to nature? That reasoning seems counter to most medical procedures.
I see, thanks for the clarification.

So the problem is with precision? Not leaving enough guess work to nature? That reasoning seems counter to most medical procedures.

I think you nailed it with your ID of ideology. Selective breeding is traditional and "organic" as it works with the existing genomes. GM by splicing is the introduction of xenogenes - sourced from other species or even kingdoms ... and is thus at once suspect of being witchcraft, unclean, a sin against nature. My opinion. cn
So far no one has shown any real data to even suggest GMO crops are dangerous. (in this thread I mean) All the arguments against GMO I have seen have been based on an ideology rather than science, unless I am unaware.

I am against the practice of selling sterile seeds to ensure your customer comes back, but that is a policy issue, not a science one. I have many problems with the conduct of these companies, but I have yet to understand why GMO crops are necessarily bad in and of themselves. I also often hear people lump GMO together with corporate farming. It's sickening to see how animals are treated in a CAFO and to know they are being pumped full of antibiotics and/or steroids, yet that has nothing to do with GMO crops.
I would be interested in reading about the differences, got a link?


Do you think its dangerous when Monsanto sues a family farmer for genetics spreading caused by wind, and bees?

EVERYONE: The prices on a lot of foods in the supermarket ( real foods, not boxed hydrogenated oil crap...i would cringe to even look into some peoples pantries ) is INCREASING outside inflation and will get MUCH WORSE in the 2013 since we experienced THE WORST DROUGHT SINCE THE DUST BOWL EPIDEMIC.

The BEEF INDUSTRY IS FALSE. Its a lobby-ist created industry. Once you do the research on how ranchers pay $1.35 to raise cattle on FEDERAL WILDLIFE PRESERVES, u see the corruption.


Do you think its dangerous when Monsanto sues a family farmer for genetics spreading caused by wind, and bees?

EVERYONE: The prices on a lot of foods in the supermarket ( real foods, not boxed hydrogenated oil crap...i would cringe to even look into some peoples pantries ) is INCREASING outside inflation and will get MUCH WORSE in the 2013 since we experienced THE WORST DROUGHT SINCE THE DUST BOWL EPIDEMIC.

The BEEF INDUSTRY IS FALSE. Its a lobby-ist created industry. Once you do the research on how ranchers pay $1.35 to raise cattle on FEDERAL WILDLIFE PRESERVES, u see the corruption.


Why is it bad for cows to eat GMO crops? Isn't the drought/inflation all the more reason to want crops that grow under dry conditions? How does the company's legal policies reflect on the safety or morality of GMO technology? Is the ill health of America's population linked to consumption of GMO crops? These are the questions your statements are begging.