Generated underground container grow!!


Active Member
Looking for some good info. I've heard of it, but ventilation sounds tricky. Also does generated power really pan out $$$$$$$. Was thinking a propane generated might work well, but dealing with propane sounds like a lot of work. Anybody got two cents????????
natural gas generator dude. it's the only way to rock that shit. if you have serious money, you could power your entire house with that shit, plus your grow. the best part is, any electricity you generate but don't use, the electric company HAS TO BUY IT OFF YOU!!!!! so you get to fuck "the man" in the ass AND have them pay you for it!!!! :peace:
I'd love to see my meter spinning backwards for once, real fast right when the meter reader is there. Then I could give her a funny look and ask her about her grow op. But hell I'd have to buy my natural gas from them. Is it cheeper to buy natural gas from them and make electricity than just buy the electricity from them. Or is there a part I'm missing.
it will work out a lot deerer to make your own than just by it from them, and the cost of a two way meter and have it fited is fucking mad,, i have a mate thats had it dun as he has a water wheel on his farm so he puts it back in to the grid and is makeing lots of mony,,,,,,,,
Make your own Natural Gas??? I'll have to look that up, thought it was natural. Wish I had a spring on top of a mile high mountain. That could do some serious generating....
I have heard of people using diesel generators and running them on old chip fat and some other ingredient that i cant remember,if you google top gear chip fat i think they have the correct ingredients and proportions and then you can just use regular in/out fans attached to concealed drainpipes for ventilation.
Also it is best to use plenty of cfls as hid lighting uses a lot more power and generates a lot more heat:eyesmoke:

Ahh heres a video from top gear explaining about chip oil.

YouTube - Top Gear: Vegetable Oil for Diesel
i feel diesel is the safest way.

keep in mind that you will use many gallons of fuel a day. but purchase a rig or big truck and fill it up and theres 280 gallons of fuel right there. shop the market of the wattage you need then decide. get ready to break the budget on the power and battery setup. this in most cases will be the first thing you need to address. remember if you go underground you need to plan every stage. you dont want to call the back hoe out twice!
Diesel was the way I was first thinking. Pretty much got the storage and transportation figured out, but vents. Need exhaust and intake vents. The whole plan of underground is to go stealth, but sticking pipes up sort of defeats it. Stinky hot diesel exhaust on a frigid cold morning will surely be visable and odored. Anybody thought about this before?????????
This is why i told you about using chip fat it costs next to nothing and doesn't smell anywhere near as bad as diesel and you do not need a converter just pour the oil straight on it and it works.

Also all gennys should be buried in a wooden box to stop noise and fumes need to exhausted with drain pipes,fit a carbon filter in the end that protrudes from the ground and youll be fine:blsmoke:
Natmoon you got my attention now. When you said chip fat I was thinking I'd have to be a chemist and do a whole lot of work, but damn strain it and add solvent and you've got a super cheep fuel. Gotta admit it sounds too good to be true. Might get a little old transporting oil around, but look at the price of diesel. I'll probably start with diesel till I add up my fuel for the month. Thanks for the tip. Have you actually tried it???
Natmoon you got my attention now. When you said chip fat I was thinking I'd have to be a chemist and do a whole lot of work, but damn strain it and add solvent and you've got a super cheep fuel. Gotta admit it sounds too good to be true. Might get a little old transporting oil around, but look at the price of diesel. I'll probably start with diesel till I add up my fuel for the month. Thanks for the tip. Have you actually tried it???

I watched a whole hour long auto show where they converted the oil in fast food restaurant fry machines to make diesel fuel. They were running a brand new truck and had 60K + miles with no problems. Very intresting stuff
If you go to the back of a takeaway,chip shop,wateva you call them where you live,youll find great big drums of the crap and its not stealing as the places have to pay for it to be disposed of so your doing them a favour as they get charged per drum they dispose of,if that dont sound good to you just try asking a food place,not macdonalds lol i.e. a privately owned indian,chinese takeaway is good because they are always trying to shave a few quid of their outgoings to stay in business,youll be doing them a favour:blsmoke:

On a final note the old vegetable oil does more to the gallon than petrol,in all reality we do not need US/British/Arab oil but we are all forced to use it to fund their money and power machine,hemp oil would be better than chip oil but we dont want to waste that do we lol,just thought id add my political 10 pence there.
I know of a place to get some used oil. I think I'll try it in an old tractor or something first, just to be on the safe side.
use your head there are plenty of things to exaust your grow into. a chimney can vent all gas needed. it's very normal for a fireplace to burn all winter long
Abudsmoker, I thought I read that you were setting up a similar op. something about a modified septic system for exhaust. Any chance on a little more info.
Abudsmoker, I thought I read that you were setting up a similar op. something about a modified septic system for exhaust. Any chance on a little more info.

i am so so sorry. i am no expert and this idea is beyond thought. there are lots of things, now after the fact i need not only a generator for the 12 hour burn i need constant power. look you can make a large outdoor BBQ pit to vent from , if a chimney is out of place there are lots of other ways. you have to move air or cool it. if i had all this worked out i could tell you it all. but this is my baby and not subject to open discussion on a world wide message board im over 30 k in and still not done!