General Sexing Question


Active Member
now I know what I'm looking for and know what I'm seeing when I see those little balls.

the balls of a male plant devolope before the buds of a female. so they show signs earlier right? and if that's the case then where is the safe spot in which I can return the plant back to veg. with minimal shock?


Active Member
Ive found that after five days if it hasn't grown any balls its most likely not going to. so if on day six you can probably convert back to vegging stage with minimal shock. anyone disagree with this info. these are just my own thoughts.


Active Member
Males should show first. Just to confirm, any feminized seeds that show herm would be general. To get regular seeds back to veg. just go back to 18hrs of light & grow nutes as soon as you're sure.
Unless the strain is dear to you a herm legacy will vex even the seasoned grower. The genetic drift is systemic & unavoidable...........did that sound cheezy or what?!


Well-Known Member
I've always been able to sex plants while still in Veg, usually around week 5. none of this back and forth to the flower room stuff. that's the kind of thing that will cause hermies.


Active Member
these are just bag seeds which is why i need to sex them.

theoretically putting them back to 18+ hours causes them to go back to a vegetative stage. Which will take some time for the plants to change modes. so If i have them on 12/12 for 5 days then back to 24 on day six. any males should show signs but the females should still not show anything. is my thinking on the matter right?


Active Member
as I have been posting this thread. I was doing just this very experment and it might be that some males take a while to show signs as well i will know more in the morning. when im just going to bed so when ever I wake up. This morning when I woke up I am starting to see signs of male from a plant that was on 12/12 for 8 days no signs. With great growth its kinds going to suck. if it turns out to be a male. Its bad seeds but this seed came from a good batch of bud. At least good for my neck of the woods in bfe lol


Well-Known Member
I've always been able to sex plants while still in Veg, usually around week 5. none of this back and forth to the flower room stuff. that's the kind of thing that will cause hermies.
When you sex still in veg, is it males you spot? or in veg will you end up seeing hairs? I am at 4 weeks in veg so wondering what to start looking for,


Active Member
I too get pre-flower at about 5 wks of veg., few hairs here & there at the stem crotches. A female pistol thing should have a tiny point at the top w/2 hairs coming out & will sit right on the stem, a herm will look similar but more round & has a tiny stem
at the base. I have a bottle of the worked once quiet well & the second time it did nothing but that plant was much worse. If you haven't had kids yet i hate chemicals.


Well-Known Member

this is a girl at 4 week. the little nodule will spit out white hairs any day now.

and the dude, usually show a week before the chicks.


Active Member
Thats my question is if the males show a week before females? then can you put them back to veg before they complete the transformation for less stress and quicker recovery?

during the experiment I found I had a light leak and 6 out of 8 showed signs of males. The other 2 were late starters and didn't get moved out into the veg part till later so they weren't exposed to the conditions til later. I fixed the leak but feel that hermies is what i got. Which is leading to other experiments. which ill post later the details. I got some fem seeds on the way hopefully with any luck. you know how that goes lol. So i wont have to bother with sexing, But knowledge is power and would be good to know for future reference. you just never know what the future holds.


Well-Known Member
Thats my question is if the males show a week before females? then can you put them back to veg before they complete the transformation for less stress and quicker recovery?

during the experiment I found I had a light leak and 6 out of 8 showed signs of males. The other 2 were late starters and didn't get moved out into the veg part till later so they weren't exposed to the conditions til later. I fixed the leak but feel that hermies is what i got. Which is leading to other experiments. which ill post later the details. I got some fem seeds on the way hopefully with any luck. you know how that goes lol. So i wont have to bother with sexing, But knowledge is power and would be good to know for future reference. you just never know what the future holds.
But they show while in veg, so you would have no reason to take them out of veg and stress them. Take a close up pic around week 5 of veg, I bet you'll see your preflowers.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
When you sex still in veg, is it males you spot? or in veg will you end up seeing hairs? I am at 4 weeks in veg so wondering what to start looking for,
You will see both. Females will show a preflower with a white hair sticking out of it. usually about 5 or 6 nodes up.
males will show sex in multiple nodes, and show a round nodule attached by a little stem.