General run through help


Active Member
Ok so I have gotten a cutting from a friend who has a plant and have potted in (In garden soil but I'm broke for a few days)

It is currently sitting in my shower room with a heated light (Halogen as far as I know) and I will soon be hollowing out a chest of drawers to grow it in (Just one plant).

Now I am completely new to this and as I am unable to let it grow by sunlight because of my room facing north. So what I need to know is what light will work, I don't want a HID or anything like that just a light that will do one light in a small chest of drawers lined with tin foil, I was thinking,seeall,//catalog01/en_GB/categories< I would prefer to buy the light from B&Q as my local hydro shop is being watched.

Would this light work and what type of fixture would I have to use? I would prefer a plug and grow but it is to big for the space. The fixture has to be plug in. I will also be buying soil so any tips for that? Remember need to get it all from B&Q so if some one wouldn't mind looking at the site for the ideal set up? I'm also going to buy a small fan, If I should?

Sorry to seem like I want my hand holding but I have been looking around the net and this site for two hours and havn't found any conclusive ideas.

I appreciate any answers if any, Happy smoking guys :joint:


Active Member
Well the problem is I am restricted to the one shop stated in the link, so guides are generally useless to me, especially seeing as I don't even know what CFL's are?

Thanks for the welcome and quick response though!


Active Member
I did see CFL but it was a sad 7 Watts,,seeall,//catalog01/en_GB/categories< so I don't think that would work, did you look at my first link? I think that's my best shot but I would prefer confirmation.

I have already looked at that exact thread actually, alot of the help doesn't come in handy for me in England as soil etc changes. If you wouldn't mind looking at that site that is my only potential shop =-(


Well-Known Member
That tube is only 13 watts. Is it possible for you to go to the actual store? They may have more of a selection then what they show online.

I would look around for some CFL's as opposed ti the tubes. They are just going to be harder to work with.


Active Member
I have looked, that store is the only other gardening type shop in my area. The other is my hydro shop that only sells the plug and grows that wont fit my cupboard =-(


Active Member
Im going to bed now seeing as it's pretty late here in the Uk, but if any other English growers know of any chain stores other than B&Q that I could use I would appreciate it or if you know of good stuff from B&Q please let me know kiss-ass