General Questions


Active Member
Hey all, first time grower and poster, so of course I have a few questions.
I've spent the last week or two scanning all the boards and FAQ but I still have a few questions I still can't find answers to. So, if anyone out there can guide me in the right direction, thank you.

I'm using MG potting soil and its reading about 8.5 ph. I picked up dolimite because on here someone was saying it lowers ph to 7 because its ph is neutal but on the box it says it raises ph. The man at osh tells me to add sulfer, which on the box it says it lowers ph. and I'm already in my final pot, is there a way to add it to the top and just water?

My MG soil says that it feeds plants for up to three months. I'm starting week 7 and before I bent them down a wwek ago they were about 8-9 inches in 8" pots and ill be cutting bottom off and adding another 8" underneath. My question is should I really wait three months or should I feed earlier?

Not really a question about growing but I was seeing if anyone has come across narrow but really LONG pots. I don't really have lots of room on the ground but I could easily fit 8" pots but as for height they can be up two a foot and a half. Has anyone seen pots like these or something similar in shape?

I thought I had another one....guess I'm too lit to remember right now.

Thanks to all who have alredy helped by posting their questions, and to those who help me out with these questions.



Elite Rolling Society
That Miracle Grow Soil is bad news, the little root runs into a Time Release Fertilizer Ball and POOF! The plant burns from Nute Burn! I don't know crap about Soil growing, but I know The PH is too high.


Well-Known Member
Not ALL MG soil is bad, but the time release and (from what I hear) the moisture control (or whatever it's called) soils suck. I use the regular MG potting soil and everything works out fine. I'm sure there are better soils out there though if you're willing to spend a little more.


Active Member
I know it sucks thats why I'm asking questions on how to fix it, im going with differnt medium for sure next grow but for now I'm kinda stuck with what I got.


Well-Known Member
If you use that soil your plants will get over-fertilized and severely affect your harvest, they might even die if they hit a fertilizer pellet too early.

Soil is only $3-5 bucks, much better to invest in that now than curse yourself later for not doing so.


Active Member
^RIP Hunter s.

how should I go about changing soil..shake it off roots, I guess I forgot to mention that my plants are about month and a half old. In 8 inch pots.


Well-Known Member
:-? damn i just read this forum and went and checkd my soil it has those time released nutes in it aswell which would explain why my seedlings are growing so slow :cry: i wish i had known this sooner. what kind of damage will these things do?


Active Member
I have grown for years now and I love the miracle grow time release before anyone throws something at me...I use it OUTDOOR when my entire cycle goes from April to October and I use seed soil to start. By the time the 7 month cycle has gone through they are lush, no harshness and fantastic. I use 1/2 whisky barrels and have gotten over 2 lbs on one plant this way.


New Member
I have always used Miracle Grow Soil and have never had a problem with it either indoors or outdoors. I'm not a pro by any standands but it has worked for me. It's been almost effordless. I also use it for my annuals and they just flourish more than anything.