General Organics

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
My local hydro shop started carrying a product called general organics... a company based off of general hydro but with organic ferts. 8 different products and supplements available right now.

Anyone heard anything or had any experience with the company or the ferts?


Well-Known Member
ive been usin it for the last 3 or 4 months now, i like it. i use the bio thrive grow/bloom, bio root, cal/mag, a dash of bio marine and some diamond nectar. when i added the nectar to the mix my plants bloomed out real nice over night. i'd say buy it and try it out for yourself...i dont use the bio weed though cuz the hydro shop doesnt carry it, the dude said he tried it but liked the bio marine better..

edit: you can check out the link in my sig to see what ive been growin with it.

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Alright yea i was looking at there whole lineup and all looked pretty good. Has anyone tried both general organics and the fox farm trio? If so which one did you like better. thanks