General Hydroponics brand nuits mix for coco?


Well-Known Member
So the medium im using right now is a 50/50 mix of coco and perlite with the 3 part GH flora nutrients, hand watering in pots.

Right now im going off of their site calculator( with the growth strength and my plants arnt doing so well.

Now ive read with coco that it can have cal/mag issues, i did flush the coco real good before i put my plants into it but they just dont look happy, pale green leaves, purple weak stems, and the leaves are droopy. PH is hovering around 6.0.

I probably should have bought a coco specific nutrient like the canna stuff but what im asking is:

Can i use a specific ratio of the GH nuits and tailor it for coco? Like more micro or bloom and so forth?

Big thanks.


Well-Known Member
Here check this out, like Lucas formula for coco
==The Recipe==

(All Products are GenHydro,pH at 5.8-6.0 pH)
(All measurements are per gal.)
6ml flora micro
9ml flora bloom
Kool-Bloom POWDER



6ml flora micro
9ml flora bloom

Use the above 1/2-strength on seedlings and clones to 10" tall,then feed full-strength>on.

Based on 63 day 12/12 Flower Cycle:

Day 1-14
6ml micro
9ml bloom

Day 15-21
6ml micro
9ml bloom
1 tsp./Gal. Kool-Bloom POWDER (ONE FEED,DAY 15!)

Day 22-28
6ml micro
9ml Bloom

Day 29-35
9ml Bloom
1 tsp./gal. Kool-Bloom POWDER (ONE FEED,DAY 29!)

Day 36-52
9 ml Bloom
(AND ON DAY 36,a 1 tsp./gal Kool-Bloom POWDER Slam!!)

Day 52-63 (Flush)
6.0 pH h20 at <500 ppm



Try Canna Coco. It is fresh water flushed already, and they have thier own nutrient line specifically for canna coco. You don't have to mix perlite, the drainage is great. You have to feed more often, but much less per feeding.


Well-Known Member
I use the GH 3 part system in coco, and use their calculator with good results. What type of water do you use to mix your solutions? The reason I ask is that I've read coco can have some Cal/Mag issues, and your plants may not be getting enough of the two minerals. I have pretty hard tap water (350ppm / 0.7eC), so I think that's why I haven't had any issues. If you are using RO water, you may want to try and add some Epsom Salts to the mix to beef up the Cal/Mag levels.

Pics of the plants will help some of the pros on this board to diagnose any deficiency.

Good luck with your grow!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help,

ill take some pictures today. They are also looking alittle better since i did i total flush and got them down to about 100ppm so i can start my nutes from scratch and work up in small amounts... i may have been over feeding. Also going to by some Epsom salts today and see if they help, anyone know how much i should feed them?


Well-Known Member
Ok hers some pictures i just made(about 24hrs after the flush and looking a little better), they are made on my mobile phone so please excuse the quality.

They are two mother plants from which the two small clones in the back came from.

The lighting im using is 2 55w daylight CFLs with ghetto reflectors and a 45w daylight baton style CFL in the middle.

So to go over the general symptoms of these again are:

Light yellowing of leaves( some tips are burt from nute burn.

droopy leaves

weak purple stems(tops will collapse if follier fed :( )

But surprisingly the growth is still pretty good they are producing a new set of leaves every 1-2 says.


Oh and forgot to add both these plants started out as clones.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help,

ill take some pictures today. They are also looking alittle better since i did i total flush and got them down to about 100ppm so i can start my nutes from scratch and work up in small amounts... i may have been over feeding. Also going to by some Epsom salts today and see if they help, anyone know how much i should feed them?
6ml micro
9ml bloom


Well-Known Member
Ok hers some pictures i just made(about 24hrs after the flush and looking a little better), they are made on my mobile phone so please excuse the quality.

They are two mother plants from which the two small clones in the back came from.

The lighting im using is 2 55w daylight CFLs with ghetto reflectors and a 45w daylight baton style CFL in the middle.

So to go over the general symptoms of these again are:

Light yellowing of leaves( some tips are burt from nute burn.

droopy leaves

weak purple stems(tops will collapse if follier fed :( )

But surprisingly the growth is still pretty good they are producing a new set of leaves every 1-2 says.


Oh and forgot to add both these plants started out as clones.
My vote is for Mg deficiency:

"Magnesium deficiency will exhibit a yellowing (which may turn brown) and interveinal chlorosis beginning in the older leaves. The older leaves will be the first to develop interveinal chlorosis."

"This can be quickly resolved by watering with 1 tablespoon Epsom salts/gallon of water. Until you can correct nutrient lockout, try foliar feeding. That way the plants get all the nitrogen and Mg they need. The plants can be foliar feed at ½ teaspoon/quart of Epsom salts (first powdered and dissolved in some hot water)."

I don't think a foliar feed will mess things up if this isn't the problem, but you should know if it is Mg deficiency pretty quick if the leaves darken up.

Good luck with your grow!


Well-Known Member
My vote is for Mg deficiency:

"Magnesium deficiency will exhibit a yellowing (which may turn brown) and interveinal chlorosis beginning in the older leaves. The older leaves will be the first to develop interveinal chlorosis."

"This can be quickly resolved by watering with 1 tablespoon Epsom salts/gallon of water. Until you can correct nutrient lockout, try foliar feeding. That way the plants get all the nitrogen and Mg they need. The plants can be foliar feed at ½ teaspoon/quart of Epsom salts (first powdered and dissolved in some hot water)."

I don't think a foliar feed will mess things up if this isn't the problem, but you should know if it is Mg deficiency pretty quick if the leaves darken up.

Good luck with your grow!

So should i try adding the Epsom salts next feeding, probably around 1 tablespoon per gallon?

EDIT: This is probably getting into the realms of plant problems, if any mods feel that it need a title change and be moved, be my guest :)


Well-Known Member

So should i try adding the Epsom salts next feeding, probably around 1 tablespoon per gallon?

EDIT: This is probably getting into the realms of plant problems, if any mods feel that it need a title change and be moved, be my guest :)
I don't think I'd wait that long. Dissolve 1/2 tsp of Epsom Salts in 1 quart of water and mist the undersides of the leaves.


Active Member
i grow in canna coco and have for the last 3 runs. I use GH 2 part floranova bloom and grow. i have had my plants do the same thing. THE CULPRET???? OVERWATERING! i thought it was a cal/mag def as well and it took me 2 whole grow to figure i was just giving them too frequent waterings. Canna coco can hold an insane amount of moisture. See if that helps.


Well-Known Member
Here check this out, like Lucas formula for coco
==The Recipe==

(All Products are GenHydro,pH at 5.8-6.0 pH)
(All measurements are per gal.)
6ml flora micro
9ml flora bloom
Kool-Bloom POWDER



6ml flora micro
9ml flora bloom

Use the above 1/2-strength on seedlings and clones to 10" tall,then feed full-strength>on.

Based on 63 day 12/12 Flower Cycle:

Day 1-14
6ml micro
9ml bloom

Day 15-21
6ml micro
9ml bloom
1 tsp./Gal. Kool-Bloom POWDER (ONE FEED,DAY 15!)

Day 22-28
6ml micro
9ml Bloom

Day 29-35
9ml Bloom
1 tsp./gal. Kool-Bloom POWDER (ONE FEED,DAY 29!)

Day 36-52
9 ml Bloom
(AND ON DAY 36,a 1 tsp./gal Kool-Bloom POWDER Slam!!)

Day 52-63 (Flush)
6.0 pH h20 at <500 ppm

thx smppro ill give that a try :)


Well-Known Member
Yea i think the they are pretty much the same, also if you use the kool-bloom i think the liquid is better because of the lack of nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
I was also thinking this could be a ventilation problem? They are in your average sized clothes cupboard with no in or out fans running, only ventilation is through where the two doors meet up and a small oscillating fan. Humidity is pretty good for vegging plants, hovering around 60-60%. I thought this would be ok to keep a couple of mothers going and then flower her clones in a tent set up with a HPS ready to go. Any thoughts?