GENERAL HYDROPONICS 3 part nute scheduel BREAK DOWN based on 36L or 9.5 gal. HYDRO

how you view this thread ????

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Well-Known Member
Funny, I'm getting almost as many reps from replying to you as I do from helping folks, too funny


Well-Known Member
ok, now we have a small problem. In order for us to continue to find you entertaining, we're going to need you to step up your game in the insult department. "your momma this" and "get a life" comments are getting super old, super quick. I mean, they really weren't worth sifting through all the broken grammar the first time so if you want to continue to have an audience, you really need to mix it up. Seriously bud, your insults are getting as lame as your opinions on growing, step it up.

and b4 I forget, you DO realize you have to be 18 to join this site, right? Just sayin'....your true age shows more and more with every post (If you want to call them that)




Well-Known Member
"The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance-it is the illusion of knowledge"-Daniel Boorstin

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
nope still here trick boy i think you need to get off homebrewers dick he aint the only mutha fuka in the world tht can grow pot or has an opinion plus he dont teach he preaches his belifes which arent all right thats why they are called opinions .......... anyways i fired my anti-matter gun at ya so fire yours follower a leader not a bitch .....bitch. and yes this is fun that you so called grown ass men tug on curtails asking did i do good daddy did i listen right hunh hunh hunh...lmfao and if ya mad about me being on "your playground" taks your ball and go home and suk on ya womans tit or homebrewers.
It's not bout bein a follower man. It's about having respect for someone that has been cool. If you spent more time relaying useful information, then I'd be happy to show you the same respect. What are we here for? I'd think it was to relay our informaion and experiences so that we can all better our abilities and learn from other's mistakes, and discoveries. I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish though. I saw you started this thread, and the topic was interesting, so I read into it. The first few comments in the thread had you completely defensive and the whole topic degraded. Now perhaps the people that got you riled up in the first place didn't show you much respect, but instead of being the bigger man, you just threw it out there to the world 10x worse. I'm sure in real life you're not so agro, because you'd probably not make it long enough between beatings and everyone cutting you off. But, why not be people's friends here and the whole point of this site will become alot more useful to us, and yourself. It's not too late either- if you just chill out and start over again, I'm sure all will be forgotten in time- hell we might even laugh at your "rough start" someday. I already knew your response was gonna be along those lines about homebrewer, but it's easy to anticipate someone's response when you know it will only be trying to find the negative. Yesterday I had been awake for 2 days straight, and I was sorta stupid and immature myself, so I apologize for that. But what say you drop all this, realizing that some people are asses here, but decide not to be one of them...


Well-Known Member
nope still here [\QUOTE]

At least he knows who he is. Lmao

I8- try not to use such big words, he's not quite at that level yet. Keep it simple for stupid,lol

Trichy, don't bother man. He doesn't even grow, he's just a troll here for us to fuck with.

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
nope still here [\QUOTE]

At least he knows who he is. Lmao

I8- try not to use such big words, he's not quite at that level yet. Keep it simple for stupid,lol

Trichy, don't bother man. He doesn't even grow, he's just a troll here for us to fuck with.
Yeah, there's a bar in San Francisco where the owner is a real grumpy asshole, he's the only bartender, and people go in specifically to get insulted, degraded and cussed by him as a sort of funny experience. i guess this thread is sort of the RIU equivalent.


Well-Known Member
i dont grow ehh just some kid ehh well this troll got some danky budz
nope still here [\QUOTE]

At least he knows who he is. Lmao

I8- try not to use such big words, he's not quite at that level yet. Keep it simple for stupid,lol

Trichy, don't bother man. He doesn't even grow, he's just a troll here for us to fuck with.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking that apology you sent me recently was just a joke or are we back of the meds again?

You seem to be having some issues working with the quoting but I'm thinking you are trying to say you got some dank buds? I'm looking at a few plants vegging under flouro's, got any pictures of the ones with the dank buds?

Like this,...Dank bud before harvest

Dank bud after harvest



Well-Known Member
WW , 3 WEEKS INTO FLWR.jpgWW BUD SHOT.jpgsweet_adri_booty_shorts_13.jpg100_0167.jpg100_0168.jpg100_0170.jpg100_0171.jpg100_0173.jpg100_0175.jpg100_0177.jpgno i was deff sincer mabe i worded my mess wrong srry for that im growing not under flouros anymore but my 1000w hps yes my hydro is 100_0178.jpgcfl though but will be switching heres a look at some dank buds and when i say that i mean they are really stinky like reallly stinky and frosty100_0179.jpg
I'm thinking that apology you sent me recently was just a joke or are we back of the meds again?

You seem to be having some issues working with the quoting but I'm thinking you are trying to say you got some dank buds? I'm looking at a few plants vegging under flouro's, got any pictures of the ones with the dank buds?

Like this,...Dank bud before harvest

Dank bud after harvest




Well-Known Member
srry i meant to say my soil was dank remember the stretchy one that wont produce much i belive is what you said im just saying they are going pretty well now


Well-Known Member
those are very nice but id hate to break the news but i will get a top shot of my girls when morning comes and my buds deff have way more frosty trichs than the first pic just check my macro photos i have done but very nice looking buds you have for sure and im deff sure there are a few things you could teach me im not arguing the fact you know what your doing just arguing the fact you think of me as some nonsense kid ive went through too much in my life to be called kid you know what im saying plus i didnt even know you got my apology since i didnt hear back from you at all and since we are all adults isnt that the adult thing to do is to give reconciliation when somebody realizes their mistake and mans up like i did and say sorry ?


Well-Known Member
so here they are LBH i think these are pretty dank :leaf: and they still got more weeks to go but they are pretty frosty arent they :-P100_0192.jpg100_0196.jpg000_1530.jpg100_0199.jpg100_0225.jpg100_0227.jpg100_0228.jpg100_0229.jpg100_0230.jpg100_0234.jpg100_0235.jpg


Well-Known Member
It's getting there, DO NOT pull that early. Let it run till 50% amber. See how the tips of the leaves are burnt, that's a tell tale that you want to look for. When you see that, stop your feed right there. Any more and they will burn. Think of it as their way of saying "Full"