General Hydroponics 3 part Flora series in soil question


Active Member
Hey everyone,
I'm new to the forum, have done a lot of reading although this is my first post.

My question is; does anyone have a tried and true recipe/schedule for the 3 part GH flora series nutrients that will work well with cannabis grown in soil? (General hydroponics is the only nutrients the local hydro shop sells) After reading around the internet I have not yet decided which route to take with the recipe/feeding schedule, so many different options. does anyone have any advice that could help me out. Any feedback would be really appreciated.



Active Member
Check out the manufacturers website. They will either have a recommended recipe and/or a forum that will have people posting their experiences with it.


Well-Known Member
I use the brown and the orange using the lucas formula for coco, no need for the green.
I would use a 25% strength solution on my outdoor soil plants.

The problem with the lucas formula for coco (6/9) is that it makes it very difficult for beneficial bacteria to survive.


Active Member
Thanks for the replies. From what I've been reading; general hydroponics will not associate themselves with marijuana growers therefore there recipe is obsolete is it not? I've looked at there schedule and many others, I'm just curious if anyone has a recipe that they use in soil that they would be willing to share with me, or maybe a link to a tried and proven recipe.



Well-Known Member
I don't have a specific recommendation for a soil schedule, as I don't grow in soil unless you count some houseplants that I give my reservoir solution to sometimes when I change it out. And I have a vegetable garden in the backyard I dump that solution into when it's not the middle of winter.

I'd just say I've never been all that impressed with General Hydroponics, particularly their attitude of being all too happy to make bank on cannabis but won't lift a finger for decriminalization or even show the slightest support for us. You wanna make a buck, that's fine by me. But if you want MY buck, you gotta show me that you give a shit how me the customer feels.

Just my opinion, not saying anyone else should make their decisions the same way. Just putting that out there is all.

There's basically the same thing as the Flora series out, called Jungle Juice, that works every bit as well (its based on Flora but made better and cheaper). The advantage it has in my opinion is that you can call the company that makes it, Advanced Nutrients, and ask them all the questions you could ever think of and they'll actually help you. Not like GH who will hang up on you if they even suspect you're growing marijuana. There's an 800 number on the back of the bottle for tech support. I've used it many times and highly recommend it.

In fact, I think they even give answers for competitor products too.