Lecithin best before 1/31/25. Shit what about if you cooked with it? Is the lecithin in the butter expired past that date too? I got like 5 blocks of butter half cup each. Will the lecithin trick work still? Shoot. You think thats why its bubbly up top?
Hmm I never seen that. Those bubbles on top. Maybe its just that, bubbles that solidified?
There were no solvents. I think the lecithin went bad or almost is, its been open for like a year.
A short lesson on Lecithin.
Three major forms Liquid, powder and granules. Two sources Soy and Sunflower. Powder is also known as de-oiled and works best in mixes of mostly water with a small amount of oil. Granules much the same as they dissolve best with water present. Liquid is best for high oil / low water emulsifications or a pure oil like we work with.
Of the 2 sources I find the liquid soy based to give more stone gain over the sunflower base given the same volume used. Fearn liquid is non-GMO and has been my choice for over a decade. Order it online. $6.00 a pint.
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High temps or extended heating can denature Lecithin stopping functionality so limit both.
For use as a sleep aid BadKat recommends 4 or more freeze and re-heat cycles on the Hash base. I've made it twice on request and tested both batches. Not for me as it would knock an elephant out for a week. Holy momma what a hammer that stuff is. Didn't wake until 10am and I'm an up at 4am person.
What is freeze reheat cycle? Just put the butter im fridge or freezer and reheat it? What temps? I havent heard of this one. Id like to try it. Anything by you and Badkat as yall solved my problem not getting high in edibles period.
Good tip about heating lecithin, I do pre melt and mix coconut and lecithin on lowest setting on stove. Maybe I went overboard too long. I was using fern soy lecithin but my family had a good point when telling them about this.
They say watch out on consuming large amounts of something that estrogenic. Its enough to make you grow man boobs. Not fat boy titties but actual breasts. So I stuck with sunflower.
Il try it thanks. I guess that was already suggested but was being hard headed. It felt like a bad idea as normally the amounts of soy in food isnt like what we are doing. If you say so though thats cool I believe you.
Il try it thanks. I guess that was already suggested but was being hard headed. It felt like a bad idea as normally the amounts of soy in food isnt like what we are doing. If you say so though thats cool I believe you.