Gel2Root Any good?


Well-Known Member
I've seen those at my local growshop. They sold that pack for 20 bucks. 20 bucks for 6 cuttings? I think not. Rapid rooters and rooting hormone together, 50 cuttings cost me around 20 bucks, and I think thats too much.
I have never used this product. My gut instinct is that this is a way for a company to take advantage of the lazy. It may work just fine, but I assume it is not nearly as cheap as buying some rootech or clonex and some rapid rooters or rockwool and may not work as well. Why are you interested in trying this out? I couldn't find a price for it, but I assume it must be much higher than rooting gel and a medium. There are plenty of people who get 100% or close to there cloning using the stuff that has been out there as long as I have been around.
well there you have it. way more expensive. I wouldn't even think about using this product even if they guaranteed 100% success. I buy rootech by the 28 ounce tub and I can get around 500 cuttings from this. I buy rapid rooters at $133 for 600. This is about $250 for 500 clones. I know this is in bulk, but buying 6 for $20 is insane. That's over 7 times what I pay. I imagine even in small quantities that product is way overpriced. Just say no to that. Suck it up and do the tiny amount of work to make clones and put your money into something that will improve your yield or quality.


Active Member
I actually purchased this product cause it was the only thing avaliable at the time. you can put 3 cuttings in each cube so total you will be able to do 18 clones. They only cost me 10 dollars for the tray of 6. I dont know why but my cuttings will not take root in these at all. I feel like I have wasted to much time and effort (although its minimal with these trays).


I think the Gel2Root website says that the gel cubes 'wont work well with acid-loving plants'... Soo uhh.. that could be it.