Gearing up for my first grow - is it possible to grow in high humidity without mold issues?

I've tried to do my reading, and the research that comes after that reading. I've settled on this guide (Floraflex) because it would allow me to hit the temps without a ton of artificial adjustments, and specifically without introducing Air Conditioning to my setup. I have a 4x2 tent with plenty of air flow power (I've modified an S6 fan so I can control it with a Home Assistant setup). I'll be in full control of the thermostat and humidistat programming as I've written it (NodeRed) one instruction at a time to match each goal, but I'm worried about these really high RH in that guide. Is it safe to trust in the guide, are there precautions I should take to avoid mold? Most guides say stay under 50% but that's not possible unless I start aiming at 55-65f temp goals.

(I'll be adding the humidity mostly (which means I have a choice of what type of water to run in the humidifiers, and that the air coming into the tent isn't as humid most times as the air in the tent (where my Humidifiers are) ) - in addition I have a dehumidifier as part of my setup as well.

Dehumidifier and space heater are outside of the tent.

Thanks for any thoughts.


Well-Known Member
Its possible to grow in high humidity. A mold resistant strain, followed by good cultivation practices and treatments or preventive measures will help.
One thing to consider is if it's too humid and theres no real air exchange in the space you might see canoe-ing leaves soon followed my subtle calmag deficiency. Calcium moves thru plant via evapotranspiration mechanism.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
I've tried to do my reading, and the research that comes after that reading. I've settled on this guide (Floraflex) because it would allow me to hit the temps without a ton of artificial adjustments, and specifically without introducing Air Conditioning to my setup. I have a 4x2 tent with plenty of air flow power (I've modified an S6 fan so I can control it with a Home Assistant setup). I'll be in full control of the thermostat and humidistat programming as I've written it (NodeRed) one instruction at a time to match each goal, but I'm worried about these really high RH in that guide. Is it safe to trust in the guide, are there precautions I should take to avoid mold? Most guides say stay under 50% but that's not possible unless I start aiming at 55-65f temp goals.

(I'll be adding the humidity mostly (which means I have a choice of what type of water to run in the humidifiers, and that the air coming into the tent isn't as humid most times as the air in the tent (where my Humidifiers are) ) - in addition I have a dehumidifier as part of my setup as well.

Dehumidifier and space heater are outside of the tent.

Thanks for any thoughts.
Most of the time a humidifier isn't necessary
Dehumidifiers and a/c are a must