G'day all


Hey, new here and keen to get into a little bit of weed to try to kick the alcoholism stemming from depression. I am in South Australia, apparently the weed capital of the world, but having a crazy hard time getting hold of any. All my normal contacts have gone off it!

I notice the buying and selling forum is private, how do I get access there? No idea if there is much of an Aussie presence on the forum though.

Anyway, just thought I would introduce myself and say hello!


New Member
Hi and G'day back atcha!! :lol:

1.) Glad U are on the road to recovery from alcohol, which is slow poison, but I'm sure you already know that. :wink:

2.) The classifieds do not sell or buy weed or drugs, but more like merchandise. Anything from an old car to pipes. But no weed connections can be found here.

I'm guessing that ur opening line for this thread should attract some fellow Aussies, and maybe they can help you get started growing ur own supply.

Hope this helps, and welcome....

Ta ? :lol:


Thanks for the welcome. Sorry for breaking forum rules asking for weed, I did have a bit of a look around first to see if I could spot anything saying that was against the rules but obviously couldn't find it. I shall not do so, but yeah maybe a fellow Aussie will spot this and message me or something.

Yup, I know all about the horrors of alcoholism. In fact this year I managed to complete a post-grad degree with severe depression and alcoholism most of the way through, it is a hard habit to break though.


New Member
Oh, if we all could just get our weed online.... that would be sweet indeed. someday!! :lol:

There's a lot of social gatherings at Xmas time. I'm sure you might get a hook up at any one of numerous gatherings in ur area ... no?

Hi, (shakes hand) Merry Xmas ... got any weed? :mrgreen:


Yeah I was more hoping to find a local grower, but I guess I am better off trying to meet people in real life. :)

Unfortunately got none yet, talked to a few people but they aren't getting back to me.. My brand spanking new bong is all pumped and ready to go!

I am sure I am going to have a bunch of stupid newbish questions, but I think I will take the time to explore the forum first and get some info. Just one that immediately sprang to mind when I checked out the growing forum; there are companies that will ship seeds to you? And they get through customs and whatever ok? Man screw finding some dodgy dealer in a back alley if that is the case. :P

ol hippy

Well-Known Member
Check out Nirvana seed co. They ship anywhere no problems, than check out Rosemans tutorial here on this site he'll help you with starting your own grow and you'll be on your way .. G'day to you mate.


I'm just checking Nirvana now, might want to update your links to it, in their FAQ they say as of August they do not ship to Australia because customs was being rough. Looking at goldenseeds next, any others if that one fails?


Thanks mate, I appreciate it. I had no idea there were so many different strains, quite a tough choice! I'm checking out highgrade-seeds.com, they seem to get decent reviews on this forum. Northern Lights #5 or AK-47? I need something not too big and would prefer it to be ready as fast as possible. :)