Gaza Live Cam!


Well-Known Member
I hope this is in the right place,

Things and times have changed, now one can be at the frontseat of a massacre
It is uncommented and raw live footage.

Gaza Live Cam link!

Sound and live cam


Well-Known Member
This is the link you posted > says have to be logged in..

WTF is that you are telling ppl to click? It just looks like it runs some program in the background but nothing ever loads.. no page, nothing... WTF?

If you click the link it will open in windows media player

seriously,wtf is it?
It does go off every now and again last night it was down for just over 1 hour,


Well-Known Member
Missed the rocket, but they just had a news bulletin with a fit presenter chick unfortunately she was speaking Arabic with no subtitles!:peace:


Well-Known Member
This is a news program clip. How long until the sirens and rockets?

MrJD liked that blonde reporter heh?


Well-Known Member
No not the fugly blonde, there was a brunette with specs that was nice :-)

I think the Israeli's have hacked it and replaced it with Jew News, you know they don't want the world watching them commit genocide. If there's nothing to hide they would let the BBC in to report, but there is so they only allow embedded reporters and censored reporting.:peace:

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
Just imagine---you just blazed up out on your porch---your sitting there high as hell and all these little pamphlets start falling from the sky---"bombing will commence in fifteen minutes"---buzz kill :)


Well-Known Member
Hacked the cam like they keep cutting Arab internet cables under the Mediterranean.:cuss:

We need to sell Hamas a decent anti-aircraft installation.:-)