Gays can marry and China can buy our banks


Well-Known Member
149435_449093948453397_205344452828349_100678244_1701245141_n.jpg At this point, the number of divorces by vehement supporters of the sanctity of marriage probably rivals the number of same sex couples that want to get married in the first place. As for China buying banks; put your money in a credit union, that way China will be able to never buy it out. Plus, it benefits your local community by keeping money where it benefits local commerce. It's a good thing for all involved.


Active Member
If you think someone marrying another person is some sort of a problem, you're a wacko, plain and simple.

It's two people signing some paper, agreeing to a contractual relationship, dancing in a building, and that's about it.

If disagreeing that two human beings can sign some paper binding them to a contractual relationship, either religion or self hatred is to blame, because that is what's shrouding that opposing individual's mind with ignorance.

Chinese banks in America are not wrong philosophically, but that is without factoring in Chinese politics and the affiliated ego's, which is where the issue is.