gay plants

novice grower

Active Member
Just putting this out there, not meaning to put anyone down or anything like that. with that being said... i think i have all male plants = gay plants. here are some pics, can anyone confirm that for me. if they are all males, is there any point to growing this batch out? I don't really want to just trash them but not sure what else they can be used for.



Well-Known Member
Is it just me? I don't see any signs of sex. Just new growth.

They do do that, grow new leaves and branches and whatnot.


stays relevant.
Hard to tell the sex of the plant when the only thing that isn't blurry is the leaves. Try taking some clear pics of the nodes in a couple of weeks.


Well-Known Member
do they got balls? cause i dont see any, looks like you got quite a few plants and you would have to have the shittiest luck in the world to not have one female in the entire bunch, how long have they been in 12-12?


Well-Known Member
You need to resize those pics to make it easier to view. Those large pics make the thread a beeyatch to read and post in.
I guess if you haven't got any females/hermies so you could make seeds, then the best thing to do is just take all the leaves and make hash. You won't get much from it, but since you're not getting any bud, it's the best you can do. The tiny amount of THC in it though might not be enough even when turned into hash.


Well-Known Member
Why didn't you shows those pics from the get go??,,,,,,,,Damn all of them?? That sucks baLLs :neutral:
Probably because it's been 6 weeks since his last post with pics.
Bad luck about the boys, I normally pull them ways before they get that advanced though.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Just putting this out there, not meaning to put anyone down or anything like that. with that being said... i think i have all male plants = gay plants. here are some pics, can anyone confirm that for me. if they are all males, is there any point to growing this batch out? I don't really want to just trash them but not sure what else they can be used for.
Oh shit! Keep them apart or they might start making out, bro!
I'm sure there's some crazy Christian camp you could send them to to "straighten" them out ... :lol: