Gay marriage?

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My paternal grandmother was 1/64th Grizzly. cn

I swear I thought I saw some Asiatic Black Bear in you.
lmao since when was "white" a nationality?? don't be retarded girl

lmao because i thought we were speaking about ethnicity and not nationality.... since nationality is nothing more than what country you live in. ethnicity is your race, and your heritage is broken down my countries your ancestors came from
60 years ago it was wrong for a black and a white to marry. Today it is wrong for gays to marry. When that becomes ok, in another 50 years, polygamy will be ok. Then, if we havent wiped ourselves out, comes the animal fucking and pedophilia.

what's wrong with polygamy? that's between consenting adults.

i know you have a hard on to legally fuck your pet iguana and rape your little kid, but that is never going to happen. animals and kids can't consent.
Uncle buck you got any german in you ???? bend over i'll give you some hahaha

ironic much?

[h=2][/h] [h=2]Why Do All These Homosexuals Keep Sucking My Cock?[/h] By Bruce Heffernan
October 28, 1998 | ISSUE 34•13

I swear, if these homosexuals don't take a hint and quit sucking my cock all the time, I'm going to have to resort to drastic measures–like maybe pinning them down to the cement floor of the loading dock with my powerful forearms and working my cock all the way up their butt so they understand loud and clear just how much I disapprove of their unwelcome advances. I mean, you can't get much more direct than that.
60 years ago it was wrong for a black and a white to marry. Today it is wrong for gays to marry. When that becomes ok, in another 50 years, polygamy will be ok. Then, if we havent wiped ourselves out, comes the animal fucking and pedophilia.
It's still not ok for a black and white to marry. Where are you living?
Here for all religious people especially uncle buck

60 years ago it was wrong for a black and a white to marry. Today it is wrong for gays to marry. When that becomes ok, in another 50 years, polygamy will be ok. Then, if we havent wiped ourselves out, comes the animal fucking and pedophilia.

Let's not get carried away lol, very firm line when it comes to fucking donkey and babies.
when did i attack your religion? i simply pointed out that you self identified as catholic. sensitive? that time of the month?and what about my an ass?one of the greatest joys in life is being attacked by people who can't even spell second grader words correctly. wait, what? are you blaming me for not being a psychic? what the fuck is wrong with you? are you saying you are a psychic and possess magical abilities granted to you by some sky daddy or something? that's kind of part of our consitution, that no person may be denied equal protection of the law. that doesn't mean people get to fuck their pet hamsters though. you called me an ass, a pitiful person, and say i lack morals, and you end it all with telling us to play nicer.i dub you HairyBeaverGal. wouldn't surprise me to find out you are a kaendar sock puppet.
You are a pitiful, pitiful boy. I dont really know what a sock puppet is but ok.
lol wow. its a summation of many different european ethnic peoples, we dont break down black ethnicity by tribe and country.
Let's not get carried away lol, very firm line when it comes to fucking donkey and babies.
Really? Cuz ppl already do that. In places like Mexico and Colombia, donkey fucking is trying to get accepted, very similar to homosexuality here in the US.
lol wow. its a summation of many different european ethnic peoples, we dont break down black ethnicity by tribe and country.
Thats only because the slave masters didnt keep good records of where they bought their slaves from.
usually race is a sum of a ethnic group of people on a certain land mass. white=european ethinicities, black=african ethniticies, etc...
You are a pitiful, pitiful boy. I dont really know what a sock puppet is but ok.

and you are a pathetic, bigoted girl.

you started an account just to say that it's wrong to be gay and it will lead to human-wombat intimate relations?

jesus christ on a dinosaur that is fucked.
Really? Cuz ppl already do that. In places like Mexico and Colombia, donkey fucking is trying to get accepted, very similar to homosexuality here in the US.

who is this guy ^^ why does he have such distorted views lol you want to be a cop man, your favorite drinks are gay drinks, im workin on the hunch that you yourself dont like gay marriage because your man wouldnt accept the ring
60 years ago it was wrong for a black and a white to marry. Today it is wrong for gays to marry. When that becomes ok, in another 50 years, polygamy will be ok. Then, if we havent wiped ourselves out, comes the animal fucking and pedophilia.
Actually, the state of Alabama didn't legalize interracial marriage until the year 2000, Mississippi has a 46% vote against interracial marriage at this very moment, and South Carolina didn't legalize it until 1998. Consenting adults are consenting adults. Who are you to tell anyone else how to live? Children and animals and inanimate objects are not even compareable to the situation...they can't give their consent...
Thats only because the slave masters didnt keep good records of where they bought their slaves from.

even now when we deal with people from africa, we dont say they arent black.... we say they are black and their heritage is (insert tribe/country here)
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