Gay marriage?

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Kaendar, why would you care if two men or two women wanted to get married? I fail to see how this would negatively affect you? It's not like those of us in favor gay marriage are saying, "Alright, churches, listen up! You are going to marry homosexuals and you don't have any say it!" That's not it at all. Gays will happily get married in a park somewhere by a justice of the peace. So really, what reason would you have to oppose that? Because you think it's amoral? Many people would argue smoking and growing marijuana is amoral, yet you openly participate in both. I bet you don't like it when those people try to push their beliefs on you.
Kaendar, why would you care if two men or two women wanted to get married? I fail to see how this would negatively affect you? It's not like those of us in favor gay marriage are saying, "Alright, churches, listen up! You are going to marry homosexuals and you don't have any say it!" That's not it at all. Gays will happily get married in a park somewhere by a justice of the peace. So really, what reason would you have to oppose that? Because you think it's amoral? Many people would argue smoking and growing marijuana is amoral, yet you openly participate in both. I bet you don't like it when those people try to push their beliefs on you.
I know this was directed at Kaendar, but my take on things is I don't want my son and/or daughter walking around thinking it is alright to have a life partner of the same sex......I would like grand kids some day......and not created in a laboratory or petri dish
Kaendar, why would you care if two men or two women wanted to get married? I fail to see how this would negatively affect you? It's not like those of us in favor gay marriage are saying, "Alright, churches, listen up! You are going to marry homosexuals and you don't have any say it!" That's not it at all. Gays will happily get married in a park somewhere by a justice of the peace. So really, what reason would you have to oppose that? Because you think it's amoral? Many people would argue smoking and growing marijuana is amoral, yet you openly participate in both. I bet you don't like it when those people try to push their beliefs on you.
The problem is that if a gay gets married, it basically takes away the meaning of all traditional marriages. Its not just a gay thing.. any type of non traditional marriage (marrying animals, objects, having multiple wives) undermines all traditional marriages.
simple fact........vagina+vagina= no offspring.......penis+penis=no offspring

not meant to be
Are you saying the only reason that people should get married is that they should procreate?

Do you really believe that two men or two women can't love each other the same way that a man and a woman can? Isn't that really all that matters? Really, who cares if it's anatomically correct. It's the feelings that matter.
I have to disagree. Im pretty sure some smart ppl would have made the connection that penis goes in the vagina and anything else is off.

It's already been scientifically proven that it's how they are wired in the brain, it's not a choice. They know where it can go but they can't help themselves, it's not healthy to stay locked in. If I was religious, I would pray for you for being so arrogant.

Same question what Smoke said, why do you care if it has nothing to do with religion?
It's already been scientifically proven that it's how they are wired in the brain, it's not a choice. They know where it can go but they can't help themselves, it's not healthy to stay locked in. If I was religious, I would pray for you for being so arrogant.

Same question what Smoke said, why do you care if it has nothing to do with religion?
Scientifically proven? Please show me this ground breaking evidence that im sure would have been announced publicly by now...

No dude, it hasnt been proven. In fact, its leaning more towards feelings of homosexual being brought on by distortions in sexual development during adolescence.
I know this was directed at Kaendar, but my take on things is I don't want my son and/or daughter walking around thinking it is alright to have a life partner of the same sex......I would like grand kids some day......and not created in a laboratory or petri dish

I have a dissenting opinion. I realize that, should one of my kids be homosexual, it won't be something he or she (got one of each) can influence. As a parent I would say "that's OK by me, but please protect yourself!" Both socially and serologically. cn
Are you saying the only reason that people should get married is that they should procreate?

Do you really believe that two men or two women can't love each other the same way that a man and a woman can? Isn't that really all that matters? Really, who cares if it's anatomically correct. It's the feelings that matter.
No I have gay uncles and friends.....I just love making ppl mad.

back to the thread......homosexuality is bad.....don't do it
I have a dissenting opinion. I realize that, should one of my kids be homosexual, it won't be something he or she (got one of each) can influence. As a parent I would say "that's OK by me, but please protect yourself!" Both socially and serologically. cn
I wouldnt. If my kid started on that path I would take some time to figure out what made him feel that way and attempt to correct the root problem.
Scientifically proven? Please show me this ground breaking evidence that im sure would have been announced publicly by now...

No dude, it hasnt been proven. In fact, its leaning more towards feelings of homosexual being brought on by distortions in sexual development during adolescence.

I would ask you to back this up with a link, but you've earned a reputation for providing links from doctrinaire propaganda sites and calling them established fact. cn
No I have gay uncles and friends.....I just love making ppl mad.

back to the thread......homosexuality is bad.....don't do it
I also have gay friends, associates, and customers. I dont have anything against them as human beings, I just dont approve of their choice of lifestyle. That doesnt make them any less a human than you or me tho.
simple fact........vagina+vagina= no offspring.......penis+penis=no offspring

not meant to be
Again, science. Who cares if it was "meant to be", the world is already overpopulated.
I know this was directed at Kaendar, but my take on things is I don't want my son and/or daughter walking around thinking it is alright to have a life partner of the same sex......I would like grand kids some day......and not created in a laboratory or petri dish

I'm starting to think the 14 votes on this site wasn't due to the fact of trolls voting, or maybe you and Kaen are, I dunno, can't imagine a group of stoners truly having this say of thinking.
The problem is that if a gay gets married, it basically takes away the meaning of all traditional marriages. Its not just a gay thing.. any type of non traditional marriage (marrying animals, objects, having multiple wives) undermines all traditional marriages.
I understand what you're saying, but I just don't think it's a reasonable argument. Let's say you have a wife, and you're happily married for ten years. Then, after ten happy years of marriage, gay marriage is suddenly legalized. Are you going to suddenly think less of the commitment you've made to your wife? Is your marriage going to mean less? If your parents were/are married, is their marriage going to suddenly seem insignificant?
I would ask you to back this up with a link, but you've earned a reputation for providing links from doctrinaire propaganda sites and calling them established fact. cn
Honestly, Im not arguing this shit rite now. Im hungry, I have to go to the bank, and my son has a fever or 101. Im not hunting for links right now. Just take a moment and think about shit from a logical and psychological point of view.
I have a dissenting opinion. I realize that, should one of my kids be homosexual, it won't be something he or she (got one of each) can influence. As a parent I would say "that's OK by me, but please protect yourself!" Both socially and serologically. cn
I agree to an extent.....I believe homosexuality can have influence on my child. Just like everything else can influence your child whether it be good or bad......children are like sponges they absorb everything they encounter.....if they absorb too much bad stuff they have a tendecy to lean in that direction......just like children who grow up in abusive homes tend to be more violent than those who didn't.
I also have gay friends, associates, and customers. I dont have anything against them as human beings, I just dont approve of their choice of lifestyle. That doesnt make them any less a human than you or me tho.

I wanna get gay married to you do I can fuck you in the ass.
I understand what you're saying, but I just don't think it's a reasonable argument. Let's say you have a wife, and you're happily married for ten years. Then, after ten happy years of marriage, gay marriage is suddenly legalized. Are you going to suddenly think less of the commitment you've made to your wife? Is your marriage going to mean less? If your parents were/are married, is their marriage going to suddenly seem insignificant?
Yes. I feel especially bad for the old folks that have been married for decades. If that was me, and gay marriage or any other alternative forms of marriage would be legalized, I would be pissed and saddened. What would be the point of getting married anymore? Like I said, this isnt only a gay thing, any type of alternative marriage dissolves the meaning of a traditional matrimony.
I agree to an extent.....I believe homosexuality can have influence on my child. Just like everything else can influence your child whether it be good or bad......children are like sponges they absorb everything they encounter.....if they absorb too much bad stuff they have a tendecy to lean in that direction......just like children who grow up in abusive homes tend to be more violent than those who didn't.
Which is exactly why homosexuality is a direct result of childhood development. The same as any other type of sexual fetish or preference.
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