Gay marriage is being legalized faster than...

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
Marijuana. So much for "in god we trust". Pfft, politicians, What a bunch of a-holes. No pun intended. I think my religious beliefs are going to start requiring the smoking of cannabis and I would like to practice my religion freely, thank you.


Well-Known Member
i think it's probably more important really. i mean weed is plently legal here. it's so silly that people can't marry whoever the fuck they want. if i want to marry my best girl friend, that's our bsiness. just because you're male and female doesn't mean you have good intent.


Active Member
Marijuana. So much for "in god we trust". Pfft, politicians, What a bunch of a-holes. No pun intended. I think my religious beliefs are going to start requiring the smoking of cannabis and I would like to practice my religion freely, thank you.
Hallelujah brother!fuck the collection plate and pass the pipe,can i get an AMEN!


Well-Known Member
I just don't get what all the hallabaloo is about gay marriage. It's no skin off my ass at all if same sex couples want to marry and be treated like married folks because well ummm errr they are LOL. Seems pretty cut and dried to me.

I don't care if they ever make MJ totally legal....Couldn't see it working for the people even if it were legalized and regulated. At least where we are now with medical MJ being available to those that truly need it the rest of us can get by just fine it is after all just a weed.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Well, the fruits have parades, cannibis user have smoke-ins, and politicians have their hands into every asshole.

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
Lol. What is this society coming to when plant consumption is illegal, and politicians legalize " What! What! In the butt! " bills.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
It isn't gay marriage. It's marriage period. You don't go up to your buddy and wife and ask "How long have you been heterosexually married? " To argue religion or uncomfortably as an excuse as to why gays can't marry is ignorant and setting this country back.

You are all worried about a plant being legal...when as humans we can't even accept eachothers rights or choices.

Fuck legalization. How bout we start with human rights...cause as far as I am overall future and well being is far more important then taking bong rips. And I've watched my rights basically go out the window. So lets worry about shit that NEEDS change.


Staff member
really bro? have you read the rest of the bible....
do you go killing whores?
or girls who show more skin then they should? no you gawk at them and get a giant boner, but since you have SUCH a hard on for gay marriage you clearly have homosexual issues... get out of this site.. no one needs your conformist fucking retarded bible thumping shit


Well-Known Member
I`m a big fan of legalising Cannabis, just like any other person on this forum.

Though agree or disagree, smoking Cannabis may have implications on some people, especially dumb people... This is a topic still under discussion, but the point is the government are afraid of certain things about the stuff. I can control my smoking and I hate the fact its illegal and most of all I HATE silently and illegaly smoking my spliff when drunk people are breaking hell lose everywhere around me on the streets!!

Gay marriage on the other hand has no implications. How selfish are you to say they can`t be married. They want to live their life together, they should be able to get married and share their property and get what "belongs" to them in a divorce. There are no valid reasons to say this can`t happen unless your anti gay, and your not gonna get far like that. If men want to be with each other that means there are more girls available for the straight men :) If you still have a problem, maybe your very secretly gay ;)

So in my opinion gay marriage should be legal and so should cannabis.


Active Member
I believe it all comes down to one fact : Every human alive has every right to do what they want with their being. Period. End of Story. Anything more complicates a situation that is very straight forward. Its become a complication because of politics. It puts smoke in our eyes and stops us from seeing the TRUTH bongsmilie

I have every right to put in my mind and body whatever I wish, even if it is causing or will cause death. My body, my life, and at the end, it will be ME doing the dying for ME! Anyone who wish's to STOP me is unrighteous and obviously humping some wrong agenda.

My cry is and always has been FREE FREEDOM :clap:

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
I`m a big fan of legalising Cannabis, just like any other person on this forum.

Though agree or disagree, smoking Cannabis may have implications on some people, especially dumb people... This is a topic still under discussion, but the point is the government are afraid of certain things about the stuff. I can control my smoking and I hate the fact its illegal and most of all I HATE silently and illegaly smoking my spliff when drunk people are breaking hell lose everywhere around me on the streets!!

Gay marriage on the other hand has no implications. How selfish are you to say they can`t be married. They want to live their life together, they should be able to get married and share their property and get what "belongs" to them in a divorce. There are no valid reasons to say this can`t happen unless your anti gay, and your not gonna get far like that. If men want to be with each other that means there are more girls available for the straight men :) If you still have a problem, maybe your very secretly gay ;)

So in my opinion gay marriage should be legal and so should cannabis.
Well said, i never said gay marriage or sex should be illegal or i personally have a problem with it, its just the facts in some places. If i REALLY had a problem with gay people, i would just remind myself that they probably have a hard time procreating, and that might eventually weed them out. im just sayin.


Active Member
So you dont care if they marry but your hoping they get weeded out? Come on man free your mind. Homophobia is a thing of the weak minded. Its OBVIOUS you have ISSUES with homosexuality .....are you worried you can't procreate? There are many heterosexual couples that will never be able to have offspring of their own. More so, I would imagine most gay men and women have it figured out that man can't get man prego and vice versa...Perhaps if you focused more on equal rights instead of your homophobia then could you see your issues :) Maybe we should start weeding out you and your "better than" kinda people?? Then we will take care of all the assholes and dickheads.....One obvious issue is that you have this idea that you are better than a gay man or women. ...Perhaps that is why u sit your fat lazy ass behind a screen and talk shit instead of getting a grip and LIVING YOUR LIFE....but its hard to do that with NO LIFE or one filled with HATE and JEALOUSY!

Smoke-Be Happy-Live Life


Well-Known Member
Well said, i never said gay marriage or sex should be illegal or i personally have a problem with it, its just the facts in some places. If i REALLY had a problem with gay people, i would just remind myself that they probably have a hard time procreating, and that might eventually weed them out. im just sayin.
Yeah I get you I was just ranting :)

I think man on man action will always be around but being strictly gay will not :D

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
really bro? have you read the rest of the bible....
do you go killing whores?
or girls who show more skin then they should? no you gawk at them and get a giant boner, but since you have SUCH a hard on for gay marriage you clearly have homosexual issues... get out of this site.. no one needs your conformist fucking retarded bible thumping shit
Lol no one brought up the bible but you people, i was just stating facts from the law.

It isn't gay marriage. It's marriage period. You don't go up to your buddy and wife and ask "How long have you been heterosexually married? " To argue religion or uncomfortably as an excuse as to why gays can't marry is ignorant and setting this country back.
Do indian's call their food indian food, or just food?

You are all worried about a plant being legal...when as humans we can't even accept eachothers rights or choices.
Get over your self, and welcome to being a human.

Fuck legalization. How bout we start with human rights...cause as far as I am overall future and well being is far more important then taking bong rips. And I've watched my rights basically go out the window. So lets worry about shit that NEEDS change.
I'm sorry but; Being labled a criminal for plant consumption is not humane, as it has far reaching implications that can hinder gainful employment etc..


Active Member
The man says a very good fact "when as humans we cant accept each others rights or choices"...and your response was" get over yourself"??? wtf ....laughable to say the least but you are bias and clueless. WHAT is NOT humane is the dogma that shitwads like yourself put on people for their own PERSONAL CHOICES! Like your personal choice to consume cannabis is YOUR's no different for someone's CHOICE of SEXUALITY.....FREE YOUR MIND m8!!!!!!

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
So you dont care if they marry but your hoping they get weeded out? Come on man free your mind. Homophobia is a thing of the weak minded. Its OBVIOUS you have ISSUES with homosexuality .....are you worried you can't procreate? There are many heterosexual couples that will never be able to have offspring of their own. More so, I would imagine most gay men and women have it figured out that man can't get man prego and vice versa...Perhaps if you focused more on equal rights instead of your homophobia then could you see your issues :) Maybe we should start weeding out you and your "better than" kinda people?? Then we will take care of all the assholes and dickheads.....One obvious issue is that you have this idea that you are better than a gay man or women. ...Perhaps that is why u sit your fat lazy ass behind a screen and talk shit instead of getting a grip and LIVING YOUR LIFE....but its hard to do that with NO LIFE or one filled with HATE and JEALOUSY!

Smoke-Be Happy-Live Life
Wow... again, i really dont have a problem with gay people, lol. much love and respect for anyone who can be themself. so lets just clear that up. i love gay people :D I am merely stating an observation of the times, i am sorry that the view reflects the stereotypical anti-gay sentiments of our society. It is merely a by-product of our system, and its obvious that the country as a whole is starting to accept the gay 'movement', if you will.