• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Gay Marriage - An Academic Take


Active Member
I've got god, and the truth on my side, so it doesn't matter. What facts do I need? Homosexuality is unnatural, immoral, and perverted. They are just trying for us to accept them, but they are only pushing us further away. If they weren't all up in our face about it, it wouldn't be a big deal. Then we vote against it, more than once, and they get gay, liberal judges to overturn the voice of the people. I'm pissed off by now, so call me an asshole all you want.


Well-Known Member
I've got god, and the truth on my side, so it doesn't matter. What facts do I need? Homosexuality is unnatural, immoral, and perverted. They are just trying for us to accept them, but they are only pushing us further away. If they weren't all up in our face about it, it wouldn't be a big deal. Then we vote against it, more than once, and they get gay, liberal judges to overturn the voice of the people. I'm pissed off by now, so call me an asshole all you want.

If you were any more close-minded I think I could shove a lump of coal in your head and make you sneeze diamonds.

Don't worry though, Jesus is by your side. Move along, sheep.

Hot Mess

I've got god, and the truth on my side, so it doesn't matter. What facts do I need? Homosexuality is unnatural, immoral, and perverted. They are just trying for us to accept them, but they are only pushing us further away. If they weren't all up in our face about it, it wouldn't be a big deal. Then we vote against it, more than once, and they get gay, liberal judges to overturn the voice of the people. I'm pissed off by now, so call me an asshole all you want.
The courts are meant to protect the rights of the minority against the unfair will of the majority. If the courts weren't meant to be used that way then many now illegal things would still be legal - slavery being one of them!

The truth doesn't exist without facts. You are simply saying this because you cannot rationally explain your position, mainly because you have no rational reasons for having this opinion. Why would God give people the ability to reason if he expected people to follow one view blindly like sheep?

Gays would love acceptance but all they're really asking for is equality. I may not accept the beliefs of some people but I do recognize they are equal to me and have an equal right to their own beliefs as well as a right to equal access to all facets of civil institutions and rights as I do.


Active Member
You just don't accept my position. You think it's all out of hatred. You label me a fear monger, then nothing else I say matters. They have pushed too hard, and people are sick of it. It's not about equality at all. Why do they need marriage to feel accepted? If you told them they had all the rights as a straight couple, they would still bitch. They teach or children that it is normal and accepted, when it is not. Then you bring up the civil rights movement. Most blacks hate gays more than I do. They get compleyely offended when you compare the suffering they went through, to the stuff gays go through. There is no comparison.


Well-Known Member
Do you understand that when people get married, they are given certain rights...like hospital visitation, and next of kin...along with a whole host of tax breaks....this has nothing to do with acceptance tard....it has everything to do with equal rights.

Hot Mess

Just because someone doesn't think gays have gone through as much as blacks, and I'm not saying they have necessarily, doesn't mean discriminating against them is constitutional. In fact it's because of the civil rights movement that civil unions are not constitutionally speaking a viable option. Civil unions are the absolute epitome of the "separate but equal" theory, which has been deemed an illegal basis upon which to form any law or civil institution.

I would love to hear your opinion put forth in a rational manner, but you have yet to do that and instead have just spewed a bunch of hate and anger. I respect the opinions of others, even if they don't believe in gay marriage so long as they have the facts/reasoning to back it up in a rational manner. You haven't shown me that one little bit.

It is not about feeling accepted, it's about receiving the same government and social rights that heterosexual couples have. Why do you feel gays need to be excluded from marriage? What is it about marriage that needs to be "protected" from other loving couples wishing to legalize their unions?


New Member
Anyone feel that three people, say two men and one woman, or two women and one man, should have the right to marraige?

Hot Mess

I am currently undecided on that issue. I haven't heard enough arguments either way to make an informed decision.


Well-Known Member
Well seeing as marriage is a contract for two people, I'm not exactly how the tax breaks and benefits would work...but otherwise I have no issue with polygamy.


Active Member
It's the whole concept of accepting homosexuality as a normal behavior. Making it ok for gays to marry, would be saying that we as a people accept homosexuality and respect it as anything else. That is not the case. Homosexuality is wrong. It is not normal. Stop trying to make it seem like it is. The only reason it has become such an issue in modern history, is due to the fact of the media. Putting more and more homosexual behavior, to diminish the affects it has on those who see it for the first time. Children, when they see it for the first time, know it is not normal behavior. They laugh and think it's gross. Children are the most honest of any of us. Even they see it
s wrong. And then you say it happens in nature. I would love to see gay animals actuall having gay intercourse. I doubt that could be found. A male dog humping another male dog, is not an example of homosexuality in nature. And why are gays so much more sexually active than straights? They are clearly not connected on a spiritual level. They have hormones and sexual urges, that make it impossible for them to think rationally. For if they did, they would see the immorality in the acts they perform. If they want equal rights, fine. But why destroy every hopeful institution in this country. All they really want is a document that states the government recognizes homosexuality as something that is normal and accepted. The government should not accept this act of perversion. You can live free and do as you like, but you will not be recognized as a 'normal' member of society. Kind of like an ex-convict. They are still part of our society, but they are always looked down upon, and people are just waiting for them to perform their next assault. They should not be able to adopt children either. That is also giving the impression that this behavior is normal. Destroying the family values. Raising a family is very important, and to destroy the aspect of a mother-father relationship, is devastating. Marriage, adoption, these are not rights, but priviledges. We don't let pedophiles adopt children because it is stupid and wrong. The same as we don't allow gays. It would be the destruction of the values that this country stands on. I see the destruction of America in our near future. We our so immoral and corrupt, we will crumble as a nation. There is no more decency, no more pride as a people. We care more about ourselves than we do about the country. No nation can survive when the spirits of the people are bankrupt.

pool dude

Active Member
This thread is a train wreck. And since I'm here I'll leave my two cents. Years ago I felt that gays should have the right to marry but that has changed because of the constant protest. I mean fuck there are more important things that need addressing plus I'm not gay so I don't care but I have had it with protest. I also think that equality isn't what gays want they want their agenda pushed /hate crimes bills/classroom brainwashing. They have to be differint they want what you have plus extra because they are so special. And beleave me gay sex is gross.


Active Member
What if somebody wanted to marry 500 people? Maybe to get a green card, or a tax break. If they all consent to it than why not, right? I mean, it's not like marriage has any values or anything. Not like it is supposed to mean something.


Active Member
Just because two sickos think they belong together, doesn't mean that we as a people have to accept that bond. If gay people were put to death for being gay, or forbidden to see eachother, than that might be a different story. But because they can not get a legal note that states they are accepted into mainstream society, shows even more how they want us not to recognize perversion.


Active Member
I've got god, and the truth on my side, so it doesn't matter. What facts do I need? Homosexuality is unnatural, immoral, and perverted. They are just trying for us to accept them, but they are only pushing us further away. If they weren't all up in our face about it, it wouldn't be a big deal. Then we vote against it, more than once, and they get gay, liberal judges to overturn the voice of the people. I'm pissed off by now, so call me an asshole all you want.
God loves everyone. He doesn't get pleasure from our bodies, they are only flesh and blood.

Hot Mess

Just because two sickos think they belong together, doesn't mean that we as a people have to accept that bond. If gay people were put to death for being gay, or forbidden to see eachother, than that might be a different story. But because they can not get a legal note that states they are accepted into mainstream society, shows even more how they want us not to recognize perversion.
This thread is a train wreck. And since I'm here I'll leave my two cents. Years ago I felt that gays should have the right to marry but that has changed because of the constant protest. I mean fuck there are more important things that need addressing plus I'm not gay so I don't care but I have had it with protest. I also think that equality isn't what gays want they want their agenda pushed /hate crimes bills/classroom brainwashing. They have to be differint they want what you have plus extra because they are so special. And beleave me gay sex is gross.

Obviously you haven't been reading anything anyone else has posted in this thread! Oh and about gays being so sexually charged and raging with hormones that they cannot think or express themselves in a rational manner what do you think I've been doing since post #1!? Also, I have stated over and over again it is about equality, not acceptance - two completely different things! And just because you think something is "gross" doesn't mean it should be illegal. Vegans think eating meat is revolting but most of them aren't out trying to make it illegal to eat meat.

I posted this in a hope to get a different opinion out there about gay marriage in a different forum, however, I now see how incredibly hopeless it is to have any sort of actual discussion with misinformed, ignorant people.

How about you two take some time to research this issue before you spew misinformed hate about it? Seriously, go to a library, not far right or far left political sites, and do some hardcore research about this topic - I'm talking history, both social, political and religious for both sides. Then come back when you can discuss this in an intelligent manner and then we'll talk.


Well-Known Member
Even if homosexuality were "wrong" (which is a subjective view that not everyone holds), does doing something "wrong" mean a person shouldn't have the right to be married? What about people who lie? The bible says that's "wrong", too. Adulterers? Also "wrong" according to the bible. Yet you aren't arguing against the rights of these people to enter into a marriage with another person.

Why? Because those things are "less wrong" than homosexuality? Then where do we draw the line? We allow things that are a little "wrong"? Who decides what's "wrong" enough and what isn't?


Well-Known Member
Psychologists conducted clinical studies a few years back using men who had been screened for strong homophobic beliefs. They had them watch various films while attached to a sensor on their penises to detect sexual stimulation. Whaddaya know; they showed the most arousal when they were shown hardcore homosexual sex films. Kinda hard to deny the testimony of your cock!

LMAO, so then you don't ever watch porn. You are SOO straight, that you don't like porn because it involves a penis. Give me a break. Its painfully obvious that you just want to show people that you arent gay...lol. The logic of self loathing closet homosexuals is: If I act like I hate gay people, people won't know I'm gay...well we aren't falling for it :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
You're an asshole, I can't paint all christians with that brush though.
Christians aren't assholes at all, but I gotta agree you are. Since you've been backed into a corner as far as this debate goes you're simply relying on childish remarks and insults to "prove" your "point".

And just a little heads up.... Men wrote the Bible, not God. It is also the most edited piece of literature in history. And.... the Bible also says divorce is wrong, premarital sex is wrong, slavery is ok and a woman has no rights....among other things.

love the name calling. is this what "you all" do when you get backed into a corner, or do you just like being rude? :roll:

hypocrite much?