Gavita's are they really worth the price ??

I agree that you will be able to get pounds for 500 bucks in 5 years ... But you won't be getting my weed for that. I don't grow garbage . It would be impossible to turn a profit at that price. So this is where you say yes but if you growing with leds your run cost is lower.. So what your saying is people are going to drop 100k+ for lighting setups ... Where they are going to profit a couple thousand dollars a batch... And it's going to take them 20 years to get there investment back. What you are saying makes sense to you.. But it's not reality . You cannot compare a successful small tent grow and think that it's going to be as successful on a large scale. Growers are getting upwards of 5 pounds per thousand watt lamp. I got 3.25 per light my last run and I am a noob...

Electricity costs are not strictly lighting ..the bigger the room, more fans more dehus more everything your going to need.. Lights are not where the power is being used.. So saving a little on light and compromising your yield..... Per fixture and sqft.. Is a god damn joke. And I know I can argue this til I'm blue in the face with you. But your not a commercial grower .. And if you ever are.. Your opinion on this is going to change.. Or it will be the beginning of one hell of a failure for you. Find me a fixture that you can pull over 3 pounds from 1 fixture.. Out of a 5x5 space . Hps is the ONLY way to go. And double ended is dope and all... But I'm doing just as good under my single ended fixtures . If you don't have 10 foot + roof space I think gavitas do more harm than good .

You've made many assumptions I believe are incorrect here, so our conclusions differ.

Guess we'll find out who's right in five years! Cheers, and may we both pop the corks on many New Year's champagne bottles to come!
How can you guys say that when prices are the highest they been in 2 years right now.

The long term trend is already downward, and as more legal capacity comes on line, there will be more and more product. The market is not infinite, eventually it will be satisfied and prices will fall to approach the cost of production... which then drives cost reductions in production. The first way this happens is consolidation, when high cost producers get bought out or bankrupted.

Remember how the first personal computers were not very powerful and were very expensive? Market forces driving better performance for ever lower cost eventually made them cheap, powerful- and ubiquitous.

Cannabis production is absolutely no different. Those who can grow it better for less cost than the competition will have more profits in their pockets and will always be more competitive. This goes for volume producers and boutique production alike.

I'm not worried about whether it's going to happen, because it already is happening. I'm here to develop and provide the techniques and technology to reduce those costs- and maybe make a living doing it.
How can you guys say that when prices are the highest they been in 2 years right now.
you are right. 3k for some perfect og is happening, even at dispensaries right now. But when the legalization thing happens theres going to be boo boo pounds everywhere . I think tickets for indoor quality will stay the same . 22-3k
you are right. 3k for some perfect og is happening, even at dispensaries right now. But when the legalization thing happens theres going to be boo boo pounds everywhere . I think tickets for indoor quality will stay the same . 22-3k
Did everyone switch to the glue or some shit? Ive haven't seen anything like this in some time.
Did everyone switch to the glue or some shit? Ive haven't seen anything like this in some time.
Reminds me of blackberrykush, bluedream before that, but X's 10. I just know my days with the glue are numbered:-( but the clubs that are getting my glue, say it's better then the others soooo:hump:
It's weird it's been like this for a couple months now. Top shelf Ogs are hard to find. From what I've heard that glue is a finicky fucker like the cookies.
Nah, it's a very easy to grow strain IMO
Not to mention this is how everyones thinking around these parts!!!!!!!View attachment 3519488
Shit dude, with ab266 and the other two being signed into law, I wouldn't want to start up a dispensary until the future is a little bit clearer.
Pretty soon we'll have to off our shit through a distributor? Clubs won't even be able to grow their own? Fucking Lame Man!
It's looking more and more like it's going to be back to the black market for most of us!
Shit dude, with ab266 and the other two being signed into law, I wouldn't want to start up a dispensary until the future is a little bit clearer.
Pretty soon we'll have to off our shit through a distributor? Clubs won't even be able to grow their own? It's looking allot more like it's going to be back to the black market for most!
I was joking. I don't see how anything is going to change. I believe California is setting this up for big corp. to come in and grow shit cannabis. Aint going to change a thing. Have you seen the legal smoke in washington state? You'd be shocked. California patients rant fucking around when it comes to medicine. Those are my thoughts.
I was joking. I don't see how anything is going to change. I believe California is setting this up for big corp. to come in and grow shit cannabis. Aint going to change a thing. Have you seen the legal smoke in washington state? You'd be shocked. California patients rant fucking around when it comes to medicine. Those are my thoughts.
I don't know man.
The liscensing shit is the main thing that worries me. You WILL need to be liscensed to sell your legal medicine(only to a distributor though). The fucked up counties like the one I live in now, can still deny that liscense. I could go on and on with the bullshit I'm worried about.
The best grower I know from here in NorCal, is now one of the biggest liscensed growers in Wash. The dude grows fire. Not doubting that most of the other big dogs are probably growing boo-boo though.
I guess only time will tell all.
I agree that you will be able to get pounds for 500 bucks in 5 years ... But you won't be getting my weed for that. I don't grow garbage . It would be impossible to turn a profit at that price. So this is where you say yes but if you growing with leds your run cost is lower.. So what your saying is people are going to drop 100k+ for lighting setups ... Where they are going to profit a couple thousand dollars a batch... And it's going to take them 20 years to get there investment back. What you are saying makes sense to you.. But it's not reality . You cannot compare a successful small tent grow and think that it's going to be as successful on a large scale. Growers are getting upwards of 5 pounds per thousand watt lamp. I got 3.25 per light my last run and I am a noob...

Electricity costs are not strictly lighting ..the bigger the room, more fans more dehus more everything your going to need.. Lights are not where the power is being used.. So saving a little on light and compromising your yield..... Per fixture and sqft.. Is a god damn joke. And I know I can argue this til I'm blue in the face with you. But your not a commercial grower .. And if you ever are.. Your opinion on this is going to change.. Or it will be the beginning of one hell of a failure for you. Find me a fixture that you can pull over 3 pounds from 1 fixture.. Out of a 5x5 space . Hps is the ONLY way to go. And double ended is dope and all... But I'm doing just as good under my single ended fixtures . If you don't have 10 foot + roof space I think gavitas do more harm than good .

Who the fuck is getting 5 lbs per 1000w light. I mean I understand if you vegg forever youll get more but 5 lbs for a 1000w light. Comon bro...
Who the fuck is getting 5 lbs per 1000w light. I mean I understand if you vegg forever youll get more but 5 lbs for a 1000w light. Comon bro...
No one is bro. Keep farming the top shelf and you'll be more then fine. Quantity is great , but once you start flirting with quantity only your fucked. You'll get both if all you care about is healthy plants and a good clean run.
Thats what I figured man, im extremely proud of my product. I resurch resurch resurch and resurch some more bc I enjoy learning about how to make the best product posible. I gave some dumbass cover story about where my bud came from and every1 said what they got from me...from my first grow I might add. Was way better then the $20 a gram bud thats going around here. But my bud was definitely made with love lol. I watched each and every girl like a hawk and it came out AMAZING. but from all the reading I've done I had to call bullshit on 5 lbs
Who the fuck is getting 5 lbs per 1000w light. I mean I understand if you vegg forever youll get more but 5 lbs for a 1000w light. Comon bro...
IG theethoscollective. They have multiple growers in Colorado getting between 3.5 and 5 per light every time. I pulled 30.5 ps off of 9k watts and I am not a very good grower.. It is very doable and people are doing it .