Gavita and Hlg guys?

Thank you thank you thank you guys. Going to keep doing my research but really liking the720’s
@bk78 what model of theirs are you running?
Unfortunately the only local grow shop to me sells trash lights for led and I like to support local myself but not with 2,300%+ markup. I reluctantly went there the other day because I ran out of rosin bags almost 3 bucks a bag you gotta be fn kiddin .
Unfortunately the only local grow shop to me sells trash lights for led and I like to support local myself but not with 2,300%+ markup. I reluctantly went there the other day because I ran out of rosin bags almost 3 bucks a bag you gotta be fn kiddin .
NO hydrofarm dealer? they are dime a dozen here
Thanks for your input I don’t want to cheese on my lighting but don’t get me wrong not rich and I have no problem hanging the cheapest light that gets enough good reviews from the guys I trust here and will get the results we’re all looking for
Phlizon Newest FD6500 Plant Led Grow Light for Indoor Plants 6x6ft Coverage Full Spectrum Grow Light Daisy Chain Dimmable 2.9 µmol/J LEDs Veg and Bloom

I run one and it kicks ass.

We are introducing an updated version of our Cypress lineup, specifically the Cypress 3 and 6 models:

All of our lights feature onboard dimmers, customizable color temperature selections, user replaceable parts and are hand built in San Diego, CA. Right now we are also offering Free Shipping with any purchase.

Happy to answer any questions on this thread, or feel free to email direct at [email protected].

Have a good day
Not necessarily. Geniuses on here showed me how to dim my light (different company though) by adjusting a screw on the driver. I'm not recommending anything, but don't let a dimmer prevent you from taking advantage of a good deal.
Buy a Leviton wall mount dimmer switch for under $15 at Home Depot. Handles up to 600 watts of LED. Wire it with pigtails. Under $20
You should just buy the floraflex fixtures if you don’t go with the Gavita. Has the Samsung 301 diodes and a lot of them compared to most cheaper fixtures. It’s like 650 bucks per fixture and you have us based support from a large company.
You should just buy the floraflex fixtures if you don’t go with the Gavita. Has the Samsung 301 diodes and a lot of them compared to most cheaper fixtures. It’s like 650 bucks per fixture and you have us based support from a large company.
How much coverage?
Starting to plan a room it’s 10.5 x10.5 ft but has a pretty low ceiling height at 6’9” . I plan on growing half the room and keeping half the room open for equipment. I have my light choice down to the gavita pro1700e or hlg scorpion Diablo. I like the master control gavita offers. Hoping to only need a pair for a 5x10 footprint. Just looking for current owners feedback like pro cons wish I new that before I bought it stuff. Thanks
The diagnosis are made for low hang height.... and hlg fucking rock my world