Hey roll it up community I have really been inspired by the art of Marijuana cultivation. I have been lurking in the forums and I finally want to ask some questions and hopefully you guys can help me out. I really want to do my first grow and I have actually ordered some Seedsman White Widow seeds from Attitude, 10x reg and test my luck with getting females, and it game with 2 fem White Widows, so I have those 2 females for sure if worst comes to worst. I've read a lot of good about that strain, and the descriptions just got me wet.
Questions will be put in bold and highlighted red, if anyone can help me out It will be much appreciated.
I work around weed all day so I am not surprised why I am so eager to grow and learn more about it, I work at a Dispensary in California and come across seeds every once and a while. I took 3 random seeds that I found home and germinated them, I used the paper towel method and they sprouted in 24-48 hours. It was a big rush! When I start my official grow, I would like to do everything correctly, yes the paper towel method worked, but is there any other methods out there that worked better for you guys? I have read about people using sand paper to weaken and speed up the germination, does that really work?
My experimented seeds sprouted and I was very eager so i planted them in some miracle gro soil, mixed with seedling start soil stuff. The seeds only had like half an inch of root. It took 2-3 days to penetrate soil, is that a long time? How long should the root be before we plant them? Is foxfarm a good option for soil? I read somewhere people use root cube thingys, is that worth the time and extra money?
My current seedlings are about 5 inches tall and they all looks pretty healthy, they are under 24 hour light, and when they are big enough I plan to put them out in the shade to harden and then transition them to full sun. How do seasons work in California, when are bad/good times to grow outdoor, Southern California to be specific.
I am using a light my uncle lent me that he was not using, I was wondering which light would be good and not to pricey for seedlings, clones, and early veg before outdoor sun.
Those are all my questions for now, I know it's a lot to read but a majority of people on this forum seem to be happy to help. Looking forward to seeing responses. More questions as I go along so I can plan a successful grow for my White Widows. Pics of the seedlings that I started for fun will also be posted later
. Thank you in advanced if you took the time to read this
Happy smoking

Questions will be put in bold and highlighted red, if anyone can help me out It will be much appreciated.

I work around weed all day so I am not surprised why I am so eager to grow and learn more about it, I work at a Dispensary in California and come across seeds every once and a while. I took 3 random seeds that I found home and germinated them, I used the paper towel method and they sprouted in 24-48 hours. It was a big rush! When I start my official grow, I would like to do everything correctly, yes the paper towel method worked, but is there any other methods out there that worked better for you guys? I have read about people using sand paper to weaken and speed up the germination, does that really work?

My experimented seeds sprouted and I was very eager so i planted them in some miracle gro soil, mixed with seedling start soil stuff. The seeds only had like half an inch of root. It took 2-3 days to penetrate soil, is that a long time? How long should the root be before we plant them? Is foxfarm a good option for soil? I read somewhere people use root cube thingys, is that worth the time and extra money?

My current seedlings are about 5 inches tall and they all looks pretty healthy, they are under 24 hour light, and when they are big enough I plan to put them out in the shade to harden and then transition them to full sun. How do seasons work in California, when are bad/good times to grow outdoor, Southern California to be specific.
I am using a light my uncle lent me that he was not using, I was wondering which light would be good and not to pricey for seedlings, clones, and early veg before outdoor sun.
Those are all my questions for now, I know it's a lot to read but a majority of people on this forum seem to be happy to help. Looking forward to seeing responses. More questions as I go along so I can plan a successful grow for my White Widows. Pics of the seedlings that I started for fun will also be posted later