Gas man is coming round!!!!!!!


New Member
Hi everyone

So ive got a gas man coming round to do some work on my central heating. Whats the best method to hide my plants...

I was thinking of putting black bags over the top and cable tieing them around the stem so that the roots can still breath, then just hide them in the wardrobe...

Will this stop any smell? more importantly will it harm my girls? theyve only got a few weeks left...

if anybody else has had similar problems what did you do? any help gratefuly recieved.

Thank you x

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Yeah I still don't have a land line because I won't allow phone company hacks near my house while I have stuff goin' on. If I were you, I'd live with some cold till it was finished. Roots don't breathe air from outside. Leaves do. Plants CAN suffocate. If they can fit in the wardrobe they can't be too huge and there can't be too many. Can you lock the room at all? 'Lose' the key? I would recommend this. What about your rig? Lighting, fans, vents etc? You should think about this before calling in people to work on your home mate.


New Member
Thanks for the reply, its a rented flat so I dont have a say. My rig is easily dismantled the only problem is hiding my girls. I didnt think plants photosynthesised at night so they wouldnt need a constant airflow.


Well-Known Member
Lights and fans off for an hour or so. If you have neem oil, spray them with that. The plants will be fine with no air movement for an hour or so. No fans should mean very little smell unless you are at the end of flower.


Well-Known Member
if they have buds on, do not place a bag over them, it will encourage mould and also damage the pistils. so long as he can't see with his own eyes what you are doing or he doesn't know the land lord personally i wouldn't worry about it.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Lights and fans off for an hour or so. If you have neem oil, spray them with that. The plants will be fine with no air movement for an hour or so. No fans should mean very little smell unless you are at the end of flower.
This is not true. A little phenomenon called 'diffusion' will have the smell all over the place SOON especially with the vent fans switched off. Jimmy, cannabis plants need air all the time. At night they breathe oxygen just like we do. One of my biggest mistakes was assuming they would not need air at night. This is the reason plants are removed from hospital wards at night. They also breathe oxygen and give off CO2 during the dark hours.

Damn landlords. Do you still have a few days at least? A little ozone generator might just be what you need for smell. All the best with this. Stress sucks.


Well-Known Member
So you reckon an hour without the fans would do irreparable damage? I dont think so. Either way, this guy has a conundrum.

I never set up where I'm sleeping, to avoid these sorts of problems.


Well-Known Member
Just move them out of site where he will be working and light up lots of jasmine incense. That is what I do if needed

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
So you reckon an hour without the fans would do irreparable damage? I dont think so. Either way, this guy has a conundrum.

I never set up where I'm sleeping, to avoid these sorts of problems.
No. Did I say that? I did not. The place will stink of good reefer though. Positively reek of it. Been there done that unfortunately. I made that mistake so no reason for somebody else to. Please don't talk out your ass. This is serious. Cannabis smells in veg when there is no air flow. Have you ever done what you suggest? I doubt it or you would not give this advice. Last thing this world needs is another canna head in trouble. Lets keep each other safe and watch out for our brothers in arms. That being said I really do wish for a good outcome to this. Ozone will kill all odours. Just don't keep the generator with the plants. One can hire ozone generators, hotels put them in smoking rooms after clients clear out to freshen things up. A good investment even if you cannot hire one.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Just move them out of site where he will be working and light up lots of jasmine incense. That is what I do if needed
Or one of those things that dispense air freshener every few minutes. Pew pew but better than being caught out. Incense makes people suspicious. I smell the stuff and I know it is a tokers house unless it is a cultural thing, like my Indian mates.


New Member
Thanks for all of the responses both pos and neg. I have to assume that he's gonna want to work in all rooms so it needs to be gone from house. The only idea I have is to box them up and put them in my garage. Will this harm them?. I really didn't know plants could suffocate. I guess that's 10 dumbass points for me.

ii dP ii

dude your plants will recover unless you leave them in these boxes for like 2 or 3 days. get them out that's more important than hurting your yield/potency at this point.

I'd move them where ever you think he wont go. gas man is most likely looking for a basement or crawlspace, so I'd avoid those two.
Ona gel.. fresh linen scented can be strong till you figure out how much to use.. I can't smell a thing anymore.
If ur worried about the overpowering "clean" smell alerting whoevers coning in I suggest putting some onagel in a baby jar or something by the door they are coming to so they'll smell it eight away instead of just one room
Also try to be "in the middle" of cleaning when they arrive and they'll attribute that smell with cleaning products
Have the vacuum out maybe a dish towel over ur shoulder and relax ! Nervousness will getcha


Well-Known Member
I doubt he's going to need access to all rooms. Just wherever you have gas...furnace, stove, dryer...

find a room in your place that's got nothing gas related anywhere near it. Toss a towel on the floor at the bottom of the door, spray air freshener everywhere and pretend your cleaning!


Active Member
I had a house inspection n hid them in the shed locked n covered said i was waiting on my dad to bring bolt cutters she never checked the shed n i had put my tents lights fans ect in attic hiddin wi clothes in bin bags thn said i was decorating the room lol hope u have a shed i moved the girls in the shed at 2 am left them all day n brought back in 24 hours the seem to have recovered now hope it gives u ideas


Well-Known Member
you will be fine for such a short length of time do not worry
just keep them out of sight, if you can lock them in a wardrobe that's great
a few air fresheners will be enough, if you can keep them out of the room the wardrobe is in too put a fan near the door so it blows air away from the door
, the Indian (light brown powdery) incense smells so strong i cant even burn that shit in the house
i can put a stick of that outside in my backgarden my extractor fans will suck the smell in from the garden it still stinks out the whole house lol

most of the smell from plants is generated when the heat from the lights hits the plants so in a cold wardrobe they will not smell too much
i do not even run ozone when the lights are off, the carbon filter is enough



New Member
This is harsh, I had the same problem and both plants died as a result of keeping them covered. I think you should just keep them going mate, fuck him it ain't his house. And about the smell, just smoke a spliff whilst he is there, he will be none the wiser.