what up all, so ive been growing about 4yrs now but no more then 2plants every 5 months about. i have used my tap water every time. i have recently moved bout 4months ago to a new home. had my system set up and runnin but started noticeing my water isnt right. i deff have natural gas in my water,asked around and the hole block has it. my plant was already in the buddin stage when i found out and kept the same water.. i harvested my plant last nite bc it just seem to not b growing the past 2weeeks and the plant has shown no where near the growth of my plants grown at other house, but the buds were ready(i like the body high more).i only got 9.8g trimed up and still wet. normaly i get bout 1/2oz per plant dryed. could this b from the water? i let the water sit bout 2hrs b4 putting my plant in. this is my first post n first forum about this subject
so i will have more ? to come when i start a new seed..... in the nxt 2weeks
thanks again and im hopin with ur help I might get almost an oz per plant if not more

thanks again and im hopin with ur help I might get almost an oz per plant if not more