Gas at $1.49 a gallon. =D

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
Sorry to be debbie downer here... but gas prices are going to get worse than they were before. People just can't afford to pay the $3.50-$4.00 that they used to. The supply of gas is still there, but the gas companies know they will make more selling it as cheap as it is now, because every American can pay for it. If Obama brings about good changes in the economy and the unemployment goes down, expect to see gas that high again, or worse.
^ This was the most basic explanation my buddy gave to me after interning at Exxon-Mobile.


New Member
Gosh and here I was thinking that gas worked upon the free market system. Lesson learned :roll:

You want the skinny on the future of oil? Take a picture the next time you fill up. You'll want to hang on to it as a momento.

hang on, i have to put on my special hat...... okay here we go into the time machine....... I see an oil crisis looming........ Russia's economy is in a shambles and 40/barrel just isn't going to cut it. Venezuela has reduced its efficiency by 20% (because com/socialism is so efficient) and it has a terrible quality of oil which demands extra refinery costs. Chavez needs oil above 60 to be profitable. Iran is now rationing gas to its own citizens (gosh I'll bet they wish they had BIG OIL EXXON).
So what happens when three major producers which happen to be despotic in nature are unsatisfied with the price of oil?

Opps, my hat fell'll just have to muddle the answer up yourselves... :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
For America oil production has reached the point of diminishing returns.

It's time to embrace the cannibis plant. We could make fuel out of it. Wake the fuck up already Washington DC !!!


New Member
Congress in their infinite wisdom has already proclaimed its better to use food as fuel....... screw the third world....we have such good representation....


out. :blsmoke:


New Member
it takes a gallon of gas, plus the food part to make ethanol. How is that saving anything? I swear, how can people with their heads that far up their asses be in charge of anything?


New Member
And here's the latest: The alternate fuel producers are seeking a bailout from Congress. Seems they need high fuel prices to stay afloat just like Chavez. Same reason that Cracker Jax sited ... socialism is inefficient.



New Member
are there people who actually think gas will last forever? Aaaaah hahahahahaha
Maybe the gas will outlast us :lol:

And here's the latest: The alternate fuel producers are seeking a bailout from Congress. Seems they need high fuel prices to stay afloat just like Chavez. Same reason that Cracker Jax sited ... socialism is inefficient.

Yah I read that the other day.... it points out the folly of political economics.... wanna bet the Greenies are hoping for a huge oil crisis? Russia just may give them one....

we had a big ole block of gov. cheese in our fridge.....its human nature why work for what you can get free
yeas, it is human nature, but only PART of that nature. PRIDE is another part of it. Self sufficiency is another. You have your work cut out for roll up your sleeves and get at it, unless you enjoy living on the whim of strangers. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
yeas, it is human nature, but only PART of that nature. PRIDE is another part of it. Self sufficiency is another. You have your work cut out for roll up your sleeves and get at it, unless you enjoy living on the whim of strangers. :peace:

we never lived off the whims of strangers it was cheese ,the surplus of cheese in the early eighties ................


New Member
yeas, it is human nature, but only PART of that nature. PRIDE is another part of it. Self sufficiency is another. You have your work cut out for roll up your sleeves and get at it, unless you enjoy living on the whim of strangers. :peace:

we never lived off the whims of strangers it was cheese ,the surplus of cheese in the early eighties ................

Provided by STRANGERS to you. get it? :roll: I don't care if it's diapers, cheese or a mercedes......


I used to use diesel fuel as an herbicide before it went over $2.00 a gallon.... works incredibly well.....

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Provided by STRANGERS to you. get it? :roll: I don't care if it's diapers, cheese or a mercedes......


I used to use diesel fuel as an herbicide before it went over $2.00 a gallon.... works incredibly well.....

out. :blsmoke:
You should try drinking it, I heard it works well as a laxative.


New Member
That sounds like something you would hear. We obviously travel in different circles.....I can barely see you way down there... (waves).

out. :blsmoke: