Gary Johnson 2012 = marijuana legalization & a better economy!

This election is so important! If you have never voted in your life you must now. If we all unite we can make the legalization of marijuana a reality! CNN ( otherwise known as Corrupt News Network) is doing all they can to make sure noone knows who Gary Johnson is. Every candidate fears him because they know he can win. I hear everyone always putting their faith in the more well known Ron Paul- well I'm sorry to disappoint you all but it will never happen! He's too much of a crackpot to be takin seriously and really has nothing besides legalizing all drugs, to bring to the table. With Gary Johnson we have a future! Not only to live free but to get out of the financial mess were in. Please visit his campaign site! Donate if you can, if not, spread the word! He has a proven track record and so many supporters already. He has a history of beating out candidates with twice the campaign budget he has because people believe in him. He will have my vote in the 2012 election if I have to write him in. Please help- finally a politition with some balls and common sense!


Well-Known Member
I like Gary Johnson and support him. Unfortunately he is a fringe candidate with zero chance of winning, hopefully when Ron Paul wins he puts Gary Johnson on his cabinet.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I'm going to go ahead and block ya :) Now I don't have to read your comments that come out of your ass everyday.

Edit :

sigh, you can't ignore administrators...
Gary is a good dude, I met him at a freedom rally in NH. Him and Ron Paul have alot in common. Unfortunetely hes new to national politics and is getting the Ron Paul 2007 treatment. Due to this he is polling <1% and is out of money. Ron Paul is polling top tier, fundraising top tier, and has a legitimate chance to make waves. I'm actually going to make a post right now about a huge moneybomb that Ron Paul grassroots are planning. Hope you will consider it.


Well-Known Member

you poor, poor deluded soul.
lol, beat me to it...
sigh, you can't ignore administrators...
Gary is a good dude, I met him at a freedom rally in NH. Him and Ron Paul have alot in common. Unfortunetely hes new to national politics and is getting the Ron Paul 2007 treatment. Due to this he is polling <1% and is out of money. Ron Paul is polling top tier, fundraising top tier, and has a legitimate chance to make waves. I'm actually going to make a post right now about a huge moneybomb that Ron Paul grassroots are planning. Hope you will consider it.
Great, another Ron Paul thread....


Active Member
Gary Johnson is an amazing candidate, and he still has a year to gain momentum so we can't give up just yet. He has guaranteed a balanced budget by 2013, will legalize online poker, marijuana, and anything else that it is ridiculous for our government to waste it's time telling us we can not partake in.
It should be noted that both Bill Clinton and Jimmi Carter both started out just like Gary Johnson with less than 1% of the votes, and they both became president.


Well-Known Member
Gary Johnson has my support. That being said, libertarian ideology is the enemy of corporatism. Wonder why that is?

Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
Gary Johnson is a good candidate but doesn't have anywhere near the same amount of recognition as Paul. Paul has already stated that his choice for a running mate would most likely be Gary Johnson becuase of their similar ideologies. Honestly, if you cast a vote for Johnson in the primaries it will be a wasted vote. you are better off voting Ron Paul who already has a very good chance at winning then he will pick Johnson for a running mate.
Or u can vote for who u wanna vote for instead of listening to the media tell u who the most likely candidate is and getting u to vote for them because u "might as well use ur vote on a winning candidate instead of throwing it away" kinda pathetic to learn that people actually have that ideology instead of voting for who they think is right, no wonder y our country is so fucked up most people let the media tell them who to vote for, and of course its always the big business person who's only concern is to drain the American public n give all our money to the failing big business who put us into this recession.

I.e. Goldmansacks to name the biggest lol n many others


Well-Known Member
Gary Johnson is a good candidate but doesn't have anywhere near the same amount of recognition as Paul. Paul has already stated that his choice for a running mate would most likely be Gary Johnson becuase of their similar ideologies. Honestly, if you cast a vote for Johnson in the primaries it will be a wasted vote. you are better off voting Ron Paul who already has a very good chance at winning then he will pick Johnson for a running mate.
Actually Gary Johnson said he would choose Ron Paul as his running mate, but Ron Paul says he will not provide an answer to that question until he is no longer in third in the polls and rises to at least second. However, Ron Paul signed a pledge that kind of denounces Johnson as his running mate.