garden safe 3 in 1 fungicide during flowering?


Well-Known Member
i have three plants that have Have Spider Mites, one hindu kush almost done one sativa and one hybrid the hindu hasent been ravaged like the pure sativa has and the hybrid is getting kinda bad as well so my qustion is
Will Spraying Them With Shultz Garden Safe
3 In 1 Fungicide (says It Can Be Used Up To A Day B4 Harvest) Hurt Them


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captain pothead

Active Member
That is the shit i use. You can buy it at Home depot and it is mainly neem oil which i think is the best thing for spider mites. As far as how late you can use it, it is hard to say, even if they say you can use it to the day before harvest they dont intend that your going to smoke that shit! I stop using it with at least two weeks but that is just me.


Well-Known Member
well sweet thats what i figured im not givin it to the hindu witch im pulling today or tomorrow but the other too have at least a month to go so
so i should be ok?

How often should I spray ? I have been spying once a day


Well-Known Member
well sweet thats what i figured im not givin it to the hindu witch im pulling today or tomorrow but the other too have at least a month to go so
so i should be ok?

How often should I spray ? I have been spying once a day
This question is dated, but is important. I found the thread while searching Google.

You should spray every 5 days and stop on the third spray. First spray kills mites, second kills hatched eggs and third kills stragglers. As pointed out, I'd be very hesitant to spray so close to harvest. Because of it's fungicidal properties, inhaling it could be dangerous.


Well-Known Member
ya its find but........ use it spairingly and try to only spray were infected and avoid the bud at all costs. cause most people can rinse there fruit before they eat it you cant rinse the bud
I have a question. I just sprayed my plants with 3 in 1 fungicide/miticide while it's flowering. All of the plants have 2 weeks or more to go. But my dumb ass didn't avoid spraying the buds. I kinda sprayed the underside of the leaves but didn't watch out for the spray going everywhere and kinda got some buds. I know it F#$% I'm soooo pissed. This shit kinda smells too. The lights are off and I don't want to go in there but I'm really concerned as one would be. I know you guys feel me though. Your plants are your babies cause I know mine are and you want what's best for them. Tell me how to not make the smoke taste like it. Oh yeah I misted the soil with one squirt of this stuff to kill anything lurking. I know this can be fixed. Common pleasssssse help me, I know an expert is out there and can help. Holla at ya boy!
Man, I literally JUST sprayed my plants with Shultz Garden Safe Fungicide 3 in 1, there 20 days in flowering and have little buds and I read of people spraying this on weed two weeks before harvest. I thought that was ridiculous because it just smells like something that would stay on the plant.. I sprayed the buds. Damn Im about to do a little research on water curing and do that, I always wanted to but now I got a good reason to. I got about 45 days to learn to water cure. Im going to spray my plants again in like 5-6 days then another spray in 10-12 days, But next time I will try not to spray the buds. Damn four years ago!!! Im hella late