Garden Lime


Well-Known Member
Hey i am preparing my soil mix for my next grow and wanted to add some dolemite lime for the ph. The only thing i could find was this organic Garden lime thats pelletized it says made from dolomitic limestone. Can i use this in my soil mix like i would dolemite lime? any info is apprecited
Espoma Natural Gardening Solutions


Active Member
ya but use very very little amount. maybe 10 lime balls per gallon of soil tops. then drown it and check yer ph. It may spike to high. Made my soils ph go very high so I got soil with a low ph before adding to much of it.

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
You should really get the powderd stuff!

My geogre cervantes book said to add one cup of fine dolomite lime to each cubic foot of soil,or one ounce per gallon to stabilize the ph and provide calcium and magnesium.

It's your plants treat um right.


Well-Known Member
powered is best.put it in the blender. + rep for you on being smart enough to know to control your ph and adding much needed purely beneficial micro nutes