Garbage they sell on the streets


New Member
why did you post pictures of a leaf lol. It looks pretty good for a leaf, but it kinda looks like it could be brix. I don't think they sell it any more, but it made the plant produce a shit load of fake crystals that were just sugar. It was sold mostly in Germany, probably 6 or so years ago though. I'm leaning towards it being legit. Usually, with street weed it's decent stuff (depending where you are) but it's usually not cured properly if at all.


Active Member

Lol I smoked the buds so that's why it's just picture's of a leaf... Yeah I think I just demand properly cured stuff... Beggars can't be choosers though I guess.

Just doesn't look like THC to me, I can't get the camera to focus in close enough though with the 30x jewelers loop.

I am no expert but looks like mold on the leaf to me.. It's way too WHITE

Hamilton Ontario -> Home of the shittiest weed


Well-Known Member
Its where your at.The shit on my street is always good.Even the 5 dollar nick bags.
Its always kids that have dirt.Buy off people in like there 20's and up.

And I cant even see your pics.


Active Member
You have to click the links for some reason thumbnail previews didn't work in this post, maybe its this section of the forum?

I usually get off a reliable source, but that source is being a bit of a dick.

Ahh the dick finally responds.. I just hate when he ignores me.. But can't blame him.. I bug him like 4 times a month. LOL
i have dealt with a lot of dealers, some shady and some not. Fact is, dealers are a dime a dozen. If i don't like the shit that my normal guy is slanging, i just move on to the next lol


Active Member
The smoke wasn't the worst. But I think the "mildew" was mainly on the surrounding leaves not so much the calyx's....
But hard to tell, what concerns me is the stray spores I may inhale..

Used a bong for the buds so hopefully that killed whatever stray crap I inhaled. Growing your own, is the only way to go. Regardless of consequence.

Smoking crappy weed is another excuse for people to tell you to stop smoking weed because its "bad" for you...
When they are idiots and have no clue about reality and life.

If it were legal people would be sent to jail for selling stuff like this, it just wouldn't happen...... but since it's illegal people don't care your not going to call authority on them.


Well-Known Member
Shit man you should see the Shitty Mexican brown schwag we have out here for $60 a gram. Absolute Bullshit. If the Fucking laws weren't so draconian I might be able to shop around for dealers but they are so Fucking paranoid you can't get a new connect.


Active Member
Shit man you should see the Shitty Mexican brown schwag we have out here for $60 a gram. Absolute Bullshit. If the Fucking laws weren't so draconian I might be able to shop around for dealers but they are so Fucking paranoid you can't get a new connect.

I hear you that's how I feel, a lot of people with the actual good weed think everyone approaching them is a cop.... So they act like they don't have it.