Hijack away guys, my thread ain't busy as you can see

All up I have just over a pound, but there is still another 4-5 ounces drying still.
I'll get on my grinder hash thread soon enough, I made a small batch but it was too green. Smells like hash, tastes like hash, gets you fucked up like hash, it just don't look like hash. I have made another batch of grief without the fan leaves which should give the desired result of a slightly more "hash like" end product.
I found 4 seeds while trimming the dried product, they are now germing in rockwool on top of the water heater. I'm going to grow out whats left and hope my pollination attempt works out. While its a decent strain I think its gone as far as it can (12 cycles/3 years). Who said that you can only clone from clones 6-7 times?
Sorry about the quality of the pics. My mobile sux but it takes too long to record video with the cam corder and then remove stills as JPEG's.