Game changer Emulsifying Vegetable Glycerin and BHO for E-Juice


Well-Known Member
Whoop, whoop, lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu!!!!!!!!!1 Hee, hee, hee, snicker, snark, snort, don't you just love it when a plan comes together?

Those of ya'll who've tried to blend BHO and Vegetable Glycerin to make e-juice, know it doesn't readily happen and you are limited in the potency levels that you can reach extracting with glycerin as the menstruum.

You are limited even adding a surfactant like lethicin, to promote absorption, so that market hasn't taken off as readily as it might if it delivered a more potent hit.

At the suggestion of CAT Scientific, whom has supplied Skunk Pharm Research with equipment for testing, we tried their X-120 Homogenizer with a T-17 (N) generator shaft assembly, to see if they would not only blend, but stay blended.

For that experiment, we heated 250 ml of VG to 66C/150F in a 500 ml beaker, and added 6 grams of green BHO, which I've saved for several years as an example of too many washes using an open tube. Before investing any amounts of prime oil, best to see what it does with bad example show and tell samples.

250 ml is about the minimum that can be processed with the T-17 (N) generator, as it is high precision and relies on the liquid as its lubricant. CAT S, not only published that caveat in their supplied "destruction manual", but passed it on to us in an e-mail to make sure we read the manual before firing up the homogenizer.

They also provide the caveat that homogenizers don't like vortexes, for the same reason, so it can't be used in the center of the container, only around the center. That seemed fair enough, so we followed those simple instructions in the test.

Wowza! It made about one minutes work of fully emulsifying the BHO and VG, producing an light green opaque solution, which hasn't observably changed in 60 hours of standing, so we will be moving on to seeing just how much BHO we can mix with 250 ml of VG.

We will run it up to 50% BHO, in the next trial, but will start with a fresh sample so that we can field test it on patients afterwards. At CAT's suggestion, we will use a T-17 (V) generator shaft assembly, because the viscosity will be much higher.

I've also started dialog with an associate who is an e-juice manufacturer, whom has a market for the end product, so can test on a much larger scale. We donate our meds, but over half a liter of e-juice would far exceed current demand, while demand for the same BHO in cancer meds continues to be strong.

You heard it here folks, this device is a game changer in the e-juice market!!!

While on the spendy side for ma and pa, they could produce more e-juice in about a minute, than they would likely need in a year anyway. It is however, easily in the price range for small groups, and chump change for someone producing e-juice for the market place. In fact, for those in the market, CAT makes much larger machines than the hand held unit that we are testing.

Contact information for this sweetheart is and bon appetite!

Here is a picture of the X-120, as well as the T-17 (N) generator, as well as the 250 ml emulsion that we created three days ago:


X-120 Homogenizer-1-1.jpgHomogenizer in action-1-1.jpgCAT MCS-66 stirring hotplate-1-1.jpg
Fantastic advancement for the medicinal community passed forward from the fine folks of Skunkpharm, and of course the beloved GW!!!

Cool I guess...
A dremel would do the same thing?
That's what I've been using..seemed pretty natural to me

Oh and thanks guz..I think I ended up using your link for pens
loll. ya, whats going on with that cat tool? its a dremel?

andd. i dont tend to like vg as my solvent in pens.. its tooo thick.. when its cold outside. it gets thickerrrrrrrr.

why fade the vg? the e cig people are using vg/ and pg.. why go with the vg???
hoosier is great man, what did you get?
I got the v3 kit?
Idk I feel so lost with these things lol..different batteries? And all these different izers..cartomizers atomizers clearomizers tanks? Is their a difference..then I see talk of wicks and coils and crap idk
It looked cool....I'm still in the experimenting stages though...I'm trying to stick with pg ..I feel safe with it
Some models get pretty hot but vg should be ok...peg I'm not comfortable with yet either

It was pretty cheap.

They had some fancy ones like zmax and svd I think it was..what do you recommend for the best piece..?
my peg tastes funny..

v3 kit i seee. ok, here is my input.. i have yet to try the kanger clearo, but i tried the smoke tek aero, which is the closest in similarity...

with bottom coils, things tend to get messy.. the bottom coils are interchangeable.. so i feel those connections leak too often in my experience.. you may ge ta long lik eout of it as long as you dont tinker with it! :]

i would fill up those tanks once and only, and use them up, and dispose.. do not try to re open after you have filled, to refill, or replace, just use it..

as for the batteries, those v3s are my favorite, long lasting, and so far seem to not break..

as for tanks, for a reusable one, i would go with smoke tech pyrex dual coil, or vison nova dual coil. they are practically the same,,. AND with those, i would use the dual coil/wicks..

as for cheapos disposables, i like the vision 1.8 ohm clearomizer....

ive spent probably about 5 bills on this site to date . please feel free to ask me about something before purchasing from them :]
i dont post at all, but I read, and have been reading for a long time. and skunkpharm is on my daily visits. Nothing but friendly information and yet again more brilliance to share. I will be headed up there in 2014 if i can get a spot.
what attachment did you use on the dremel ? I have managed to combine vg with bho in a cloudy wax solution using lecithin and heat. Tastes awful but gets you stonned.
Hmmm. I used to have a small handheld electric whisk for making italian dressing. Thinking anything of that sort might work for smaller amounts.

I have the best luck mixing my ISO oil with some everclear to thin it out, then I add my PG and let the alcohol evap out under low heat in a crock pot.
There is a difference in the way a high speed mixer blade and an homogenizer works. The homogenizer pulls the material through shears that cut it into micron sized droplets.
Anyone ever pondered putting it in a centrifuge to see if it keeps everything permanently in solution?
But what I wonder is whether it would blend it or cause further separation as that is one use for a centrifuge, isn't it?

I may try the old manual centrifuge - throw a well sealed bottle in a sock and spin - to test.
I got the v3 kit?
Idk I feel so lost with these things lol..different batteries? And all these different izers..cartomizers atomizers clearomizers tanks? Is their a difference..then I see talk of wicks and coils and crap idk
It looked cool....I'm still in the experimenting stages though...I'm trying to stick with pg ..I feel safe with it
Some models get pretty hot but vg should be ok...peg I'm not comfortable with yet either

It was pretty cheap.

They had some fancy ones like zmax and svd I think it was..what do you recommend for the best piece..?

I have been using PG USP for over a year now. That is all I use, concentrate with a little PG USP and my vape.

VG is a big no, no. I feel sorry for anyone that follows the advice to use VG. Basically your concentrate is a replacement for the VG. The only purpose of VG is to be used as a base. That is what your concentrate, the base product with THC in it.

This is not directed toward you qwisoking, I will assume you figured that out. It was directed to the OP, game changer, I don't think so.

Anyway, PEG is not as good as PG USP for assisting vaporization. The reason why PEG is being used is only for one reason, all the other reasons are marketing BS, it is because it will hold the infusion of the product longer than with PG USP.

When I mix mine it lasts about 3 months before it separates. If it is put into a clearomizer with a lot of wicking, it will separate sooner, like in weeks instead of months. This is the case with my oil. The cleaner the oil and the better you work at infusing them the longer it will stay infused.

For us do it yourselfers, PG USP is probably the best. For commercializing and business, they prefer to go with PEG (Polyethylene Glycol). It will stay infused for a long time, how long I really don't know, maybe years? The stuff does not work as well, there has been less testing done with in in regards to safe consumption via vaporizing. Also, the feedback I have received is the PEG tastes like burnt plastic.

Currently SVD, AeroTank, and killer oil rules in my book!

As for a battery and charger for the innokin SVD, I recommend the TrustFire TR-001 charger, and I like the AW IMR 18350 700mAh 3.7 volt batteries. It is the smallest battery, get 2 or 3 for spares. The larger batteries are the AW IMR 18650. The SVD will pretty much accept either since it telescopes to accommodate the battery length.

The AeroTank is made by KangerTech.

Currently I am still purchasing all of my stuff from High Desert Vapes. One main reason is that they only buy direct from the manufacturers.
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Anyone ever pondered putting it in a centrifuge to see if it keeps everything permanently in solution?

My prediction is that it wouldn't keep it in solution when centrifuged. It is like a bunch of sub-micron ball bearings mixed together, with two different specific gravities.
I have been using PG USP for over a year now. That is all I use, concentrate with a little PG USP and my vape.

VG is a big no, no. I feel sorry for anyone that follows the advice to use VG. Basically your concentrate is a replacement for the VG. The only purpose of VG is to be used as a base. That is what your concentrate, the base product with THC in it.

This is not directed toward you qwisoking, I will assume you figured that out. It was directed to the OP, game changer, I don't think so.

Anyway, PEG is not as good as PG USP for assisting vaporization. The reason why PEG is being used is only for one reason, all the other reasons are marketing BS, it is because it will hold the infusion of the product longer than with PG USP.

When I mix mine it lasts about 3 months before it separates. If it is put into a clearomizer with a lot of wicking, it will separate sooner, like in weeks instead of months. This is the case with my oil. The cleaner the oil and the better you work at infusing them the longer it will stay infused.

For us do it yourselfers, PG USP is probably the best. For commercializing and business, they prefer to go with PEG (Polyethylene Glycol). It will stay infused for a long time, how long I really don't know, maybe years? The stuff does not work as well, there has been less testing done with in in regards to safe consumption via vaporizing. Also, the feedback I have received is the PEG tastes like burnt plastic.

Currently SVD, AeroTank, and killer oil rules in my book!

Not sure about the marketing hoopla sister woman, but here are a few observations.

PEG more readily dissolves cannabis oil than VG.

VG produces a denser vapor cloud.

Our testers rated VG as better better flavored.

A blend of both is commonly used to incorporate the two solvents properties.

Not anywhere, at any time has anyone provided a sample of any E-Juice for our sampling or testing, as potent as the homogenized solution that we produced with just VG and homogenizing.

The ability to homogenize VG and cannabis oil has implications beyond vaporizers.

Game changer? I'm thinking that it depends on who you talk to and a little early to vote.

I know at least one dispensary chain whom we consult with and who has developed a proprietary process around it, after deciding it was a game changer.

I myself am watching with rapt attention to see where all it leads.
See how different lighting can effect the looks? Using a basic smart phone camera and simple flashlight. LED flash sucks!

Light pointed at the product, kind of reflecting off instead of looking through.
AeroTank-QWISO 5-7-14 016.jpg

Light shining into the product from below.
AeroTank-QWISO 5-7-14 022.jpg

Light Shining from behind the oil but not at it.
AeroTank-QWISO  5-7-14 027.jpg

I just put some QWISO in my purge pan (small metal measuring cup), place onto a coffee mug warmer with the pan slightly tipped. When the concentrate begins to melt or flow just added about 25% PG USP and mixed well with a mini spatula. Removing from heat a few times to not overheat the product.

Pretty much all I have been using. innokin SVD and KangerTech Aerotank. Nice vaporizing! I don't care to fill it with more than 1.5 grams. I have been testing my oil side by side, straight vs. mixed. I prefer it mixed. It is only about 75-80% as potent vs. straight. Probably 100% gram for gram considering it vaporizes so well.

I take 3 to 5 baby hits, and I am pretty baked. You guys could probably easily take in that much in one hit!

The only complaint I have received on this method with my oil is it is easy to consume too much. It tastes so good and it is so easy to keep taking little puffs off the vape. In other words, it is easy to over do it.

No leaks so far with the AeroTank.

My other AeroTank that has been put away for about a month. The oil I left in it did not separate.