• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Gage Green Group Info Thread

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Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Our horses get fed diatomaceous earth to keep them clean of parasites, so my silica source is huge heaps of horse manure compost with healthy added amounts of silica that gets a digestive system then a compost heap to break down and become useful. Not too certain what impact it makes seeing as i have always used it. Very interesting reading through the last page some info bombs dropped. I find the micro nuts and what they can do fascinating.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
ok i will try to be nice. here is your factual information. it is in laymen terms and on youtube so you can easily digest this valuable information. I had already known this from all my years of research by actually growing and I have been growing for over 20 years second generation. I am done here. link this and learn or piss off (
) most nutrients have all the aminos in different products. I like my aminos seperate. So if you want aminos and no silica use this fuego yo. I love floralicious plus from GH as well. take your pick but don't listen to hear say try it for yourself. I have been wanting to check out some of this shit http://www.growerssecret.com/products/ this site is cool and some research needs to be done on cannabis for this product http://www.adaptivesymbiotictechnologies.com/ or just use liquid silica and not your brain.


Well-Known Member
ok i will try to be nice. here is your factual information. it is in laymen terms and on youtube so you can easily digest this valuable information. I had already known this from all my years of research by actually growing and I have been growing for over 20 years second generation. I am done here. link this and learn or piss off (
) most nutrients have all the aminos in different products. I like my aminos seperate. So if you want aminos and no silica use this fuego yo. I love floralicious plus from GH as well. take your pick but don't listen to hear say try it for yourself. I have been wanting to check out some of this shit http://www.growerssecret.com/products/ this site is cool and some research needs to be done on cannabis for this product http://www.adaptivesymbiotictechnologies.com/ or just use liquid silica and not your brain.
I'll keep using my brain, thank you very much. I see you've invested in some marketing.

Peer review or GTFO. That's the foundation of science. Not fancy marketing, this is me being nice.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
PEER REVIEW. A little something we used to build a record label using zero money. That label is still delivering top notch international acts like Savant and this is how it was done. Peer review. I see RIU as a peer review network there is no other reason for being here.


Well-Known Member
PEER REVIEW. A little something we used to build a record label using zero money. That label is still delivering top notch international acts like Savant and this is how it was done. Peer review. I see RIU as a peer review network there is no other reason for being here.
Always had a fondness for DIY music and most other things.

If anything its strain peer review here. I know I've gained valuable insight as to what strains I may want to run or not based on the experience of others. Yet when it comes to basic biological functions, I mean the science peer review. Plants make their own amino acids, believing otherwise is wrong, and counter to anything science has to say on the manner. If giving plants amino acids really made a difference, I'm sure agricultural growers everywhere would be adding it to their regiment. Instead you get ignorant cannabis growers who don't know shit about biology falling for marketing, claiming they know better than scientists or farmers.


Well-Known Member
Always had a fondness for DIY music and most other things.

If anything its strain peer review here. I know I've gained valuable insight as to what strains I may want to run or not based on the experience of others. Yet when it comes to basic biological functions, I mean the science peer review. Plants make their own amino acids, believing otherwise is wrong, and counter to anything science has to say on the manner. If giving plants amino acids really made a difference, I'm sure agricultural growers everywhere would be adding it to their regiment. Instead you get ignorant cannabis growers who don't know shit about biology falling for marketing, claiming they know better than scientists or farmers.
This is almost amusing. Large agriculture failed where cannabis will succeed. The big ag co. use the most chemicals fertilizers out of anyone. I can't believe I'm wasting my time with you but here I go. The benefits of aminos in your nutrients is not for your plants to drink them. It feeds the soil web.

Ready For The Science Bit? Introducing The Casparian Strip – Your Plant’s Very Own Homeland Security!
Inside the roots of your plants sits a very innocuous and extremely important band of cells – called the Casparian Strip. I like to think of this as a sort of “security guard” for your plant. It is used to block the passive flow of materials ( travelling between the cells), such as water and solutes into the main water carrying columns of the plant – the xylem and phloem. By doing this it forces everything to actively pass through or be rejected by the endodermis. Once within the epidermis, water passes through the cortex, mainly traveling between the cells. However, in order to enter the stele, it must pass through the cytoplasm of the cells of the endodermis. Once within the stele, water is free again to move between cells as well as through them. For solutes to pass through the endodermis they must be in inorganic, ionic form to be transported across to the stele. As you can see getting water and nutrients inside your plants is no easy process!
An interesting side note for people who grow with organic nutrients.
When you hear of the virtues of organic fertilizers, remember that such materials are unable to meet any nutritional needs of the plant until they have been degraded / converted into inorganic forms. Organic matter does play an important role in making good soil texture and rhizosphere health, but it can only meet the nutritional needs of the plant to the extent that it can yield inorganic ions. Once within the epidermis, only the inorganic ions pass inward from cell to cell.

Amino Acid supplements and supplementation – possible or possibilities?
Okay, after that bombshell, let’s take a look at Amino Acids. These are fascinating little things, these miniature building blocks of protein – body builders love them and, according to many growers, plants do too. So what roles do amino acids play in plant nutrition?

Table 1 shows the 21 Proteinogenic Amino Acids
There are total of 21 Amino Acids used in the production of protein and you’ve probably seen most of them listed on the back of a bottle by now. They are known as Proteinogenic Amino Acids

Every chemical reaction or process that goes on inside a plant relies on protein. From photosynthesis through to hormone production, growth and development, stress – proteins are used by the plant for every aspect of its life, so we can see that amino acids are very important in the big scheme of things.
This importance has not escaped the attention of researchers or manufacturers of plant nutrients and additives. We are now seeing quite a few emerging products that contain these essential building blocks of life. One area being examined by both researchers and manufacturers are amino acids that are direct precursors to hormones. Tryptophan is one popular amino acid being researched as it is the direct precursor to IAA - a powerful growth hormone. Arginine is one of the precursors for cytokinins and is a major player in the production of flowers and fruits on a biochemical level. Other exciting roles of amino acids include their part in mitigating plant stress. Proline is produced by the plant in huge quantities during times of stress to assist with osmotic balance and to maintain a positive water status.
Amino acids are also used as a source of nitrogen in the root zone as they are delaminated by rhizosphere bacteria and fungi. The bacteria feed on the amino acids and in return nitrogen, in the form of ammonia, is released which can be absorbed by the plant. Ammonia is very rapidly absorbed and utilized by the plant and, in small quantities, is very beneficial to the support of rapid growth and development.
A new and very exciting and emerging area of amino acid research, and one that I am very actively involved in, is the role played by accumulated amino acids. In plants, the roles of accumulated amino acids varies from acting as an osmolyte, the regulation of ion transport, modulating stomatal opening, and detoxification of heavy metals. Amino acids also affect the synthesis and activity of enzymes, and most excitingly of all play a major role in gene expression!
So it’s readily apparent why plant nutrient manufacturers would be interested in the humble amino acid – they could be very useful to growers! As useful as might be, amino acids are also commonly misunderstood – just like the carbohydrates we looked at earlier. Once again theory is getting way in front of reality.
As with carbohydrates no one really looked at whether plants can take actively up amino acids through their roots. A major focus of my research is examining how or if plants can take up amino acids via their roots. One method is to feed plants a solution of radioactively labelled amino acids and then take special x-rays of the whole plant 24 hours later. You can actually visualize the extent of the amino acid uptake. In all of the experiments I’ve been involved in, almost none of the amino acid solution fed to the plants had been absorbed by the roots and transported to the leaves. So what’s at play here? Once again it’s the role of the Capsarian strip and endodermis coming into play and excluding the uptake of almost all of the amino acid solution fed to the plants. Amino acid supplementation does work to a minor extent – as some, but very few, of those root fed amino acids are absorbed by the plant. The exciting thing is that even that tiny amount that is absorbed positively affects the growth and development of plants.

So what did we learn?
Only simple sugars are absorbed by the plant root system. And only a very small amount of any amino acids supplied will ever be taken up by your plant’s root system. So what does that mean? Are carboyhydrate and amino acid producs a waste of your time? No – not exactly. Even when a small amount of amino acids are absorbed by the plant, we can get some positive effects. The simple sugars in your carbohydrate products do get absorbed. Others form a good source of food for beneficial bacteria in your root zone. So there are some benefits from using these types of products – just probably not to the degree that some of us may have hoped.
Feeding your plants carbohydrate and amino supplements is not a waste of your time or money – in fact many of those simple and complex carbohydrates serve as food for the friendly bacteria and fungi in your root zone. But don’t forget that your plant’s roots constantly exude simple and complex, carbohydrates, amino acids and proteins into the rhizospere and that those exudates serve as food and growth promoting compounds for many of the beneficial bacteria, fungi and micro organisms present in your plant’s rhizoshpere.
Root exudates are commonly divided into two classes. Low-molecular weight compounds – such as amino acids, organic acids, sugars, and other secondary metabolites and high molecular weight exudates – such as mucilage (polysaccharides or complex carbs) and proteins. The rhizospheric bacteria and fungi return the favor, in a symbiotic relationship, by breaking down complex products in the rhizosphere into ionic forms the plant can absorb as well as excreting protein and secondary signalling molecules of their own that benefit the plant by increasing its rate of growth and development.
In fact, much or all of the apparent success of carbohydrate and amino acids products are due to this inadvertent power feeding of your root zone friendlies and the symbiotic benefits they return to your plants.

The Future of Carbohydrate and Amino Acids?
Biochemists and plant researchers around the world are conducting research into methods of delivering carbohydrates and or amino acids directly into the plant in large or precisely controlled amounts. We are conducting research on developing radical new delivery methods for compounds that are otherwise impossible to deliver to plants in a controlled or effective manner. Techniques such as bio and nano encapsulation technologies are currently being pursued and developed – the promise of these techniques is huge. They could allow things like complex carbohydrates and amino acids to be delivered to your plants as they need them.

That will make you weed nerds think.
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Well-Known Member
I'll keep using my brain, thank you very much. I see you've invested in some marketing.

Peer review or GTFO. That's the foundation of science. Not fancy marketing, this is me being nice.
I have never used aminos or carbs thinking my plants drinks them. I have always used them based on the fact that I know they promote and feed the soil web. Are we done yet?


Well-Known Member
Are you using mycos? Does look like she can be easily maxing out that pot, mycos or trichoderma really help in dry conditions by increasing root surface area exponensially via fungal hyphae. Very cool new product in testing in the USA, seed treatment using fungi from arid areas, increases tolerance to heat and drought by over 85 percent, that can buy a day or two depending on pot size. Stuff is called BioEnsure.
I recommend myco-grow from fungiperfecti..been using it for almost ten years and can't say enough...and I will..its cheep! :-D


Well-Known Member
I recommend myco-grow from fungiperfecti..been using it for almost ten years and can't say enough...and I will..its cheep! :-D
I have used a few different mychorrizae. The next one I was trying is xtreme gardenings mykos with azos ,og tea veganic special sauce in the bottom of my pots. I like the price of myco-grow from fungiperfect and might use it instead of mykos but not too worried about saving a few bucks I'd rather get whatever has the best results even if it costs more.


Well-Known Member
Our horses get fed diatomaceous earth to keep them clean of parasites, so my silica source is huge heaps of horse manure compost with healthy added amounts of silica that gets a digestive system then a compost heap to break down and become useful. Not too certain what impact it makes seeing as i have always used it. Very interesting reading through the last page some info bombs dropped. I find the micro nuts and what they can do fascinating.
I like how people think you have to grow in soil to create a "soil web". I have used rockwool and soil both for 17 years and honestly rockwool out performs soil in growth rates and in my personal opinion flavor. The only exception would be full sun outdoor or greenhouse of course. If you go to the grodan website it tells you a lot of useful information about rockwool. Like how it can be recycled easily, I personally reuse mine by taking out the root ball and soaking the used rockwool in enzymes for a week or so until the dead roots break down. Plants love to eat themselves so the just turn into nutrients. With factory processing, one cubic metre of basalt can produce approximately fifty cubic metres of stone wool. So it is actually not all that bad. It's inert and that's my favorite part. I know exactly what is in my shit. I can create the "soil web" in rockwool with good worm cast compost tea and seal in a tub with some oatmeal sprinkled on top and check it a week later bam fungal web created. You can feed this "soil web" with sugars carbs and aminos to really see some action. Fungus is not just for soil. Although if I did have horses and could make my own compost like you do I would definitely be doing that. I don't like to bring dirt inside the house because it's dirty and has bugs other than that awesome shit literally and figuratively speaking MH! I like to use Down to Earth crab meal in my rockwool as it keeps bad fungus at bay and really helps beneficials. The cytosan in the crab meal is the shit they put in bud factor X from AN just thought I would share that. I have been using terpenator and like the results. Remo did a test on his grow one with terpenator and one without. The tepenator plant had 23% thc and the one without had 19% thc. Just one test so it needs more research. Look at the way they use rockwool for agriculture in the Netherlands it's pretty cool..100% recycled!
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Well-Known Member
Always had a fondness for DIY music and most other things.

If anything its strain peer review here. I know I've gained valuable insight as to what strains I may want to run or not based on the experience of others. Yet when it comes to basic biological functions, I mean the science peer review. Plants make their own amino acids, believing otherwise is wrong, and counter to anything science has to say on the manner. If giving plants amino acids really made a difference, I'm sure agricultural growers everywhere would be adding it to their regiment. Instead you get ignorant cannabis growers who don't know shit about biology falling for marketing, claiming they know better than scientists or farmers.
this guy has more facts in his boogers than you have in your whole close minded brain. Calm down smoke a bowl watch this and just learn something new. I'd rather listen to someone who has studied the facts even if it is based on marketing.
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Well-Known Member
More copy paste from marketing materials. Again plants make their own amino acids.

Food webs for mycos are different and even those aren't necessary for growing cannabis. Hence why it can be grown in hydro.

Big agriculture hasn't failed cannabis. Industrial hemp has been largely studied and the European Union as well as Isreal have been doing studies on cannabis for quite a long time. It isn't some magical plant to grow or anything special in terms of a plant.

Keep wasting your money. You really should learn what the difference is between marketing material, and peer reviewed journals are. Probably should learn how to do basic research as well.

Eta: your silly source is from "Urban Garden Magazine" which simply shilled products for hydro companies. You should also learn how to cite your sources.
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Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I like how people think you have to grow in soil to create a "soil web". I have used rockwool and soil both for 17 years and honestly rockwool out performs soil in growth rates and in my personal opinion flavor. The only exception would be full sun outdoor or greenhouse of course. If you go to the grodan website it tells you a lot of useful information about rockwool. Like how it can be recycled easily, I personally reuse mine by taking out the root ball and soaking the used rockwool in enzymes for a week or so until the dead roots break down. Plants love to eat themselves so the just turn into nutrients. With factory processing, one cubic metre of basalt can produce approximately fifty cubic metres of stone wool. So it is actually not all that bad. It's inert and that's my favorite part. I know exactly what is in my shit. I can create the "soil web" in rockwool with good worm cast compost tea and seal in a tub with some oatmeal sprinkled on top and check it a week later bam fungal web created. You can feed this "soil web" with sugars carbs and aminos to really see some action. Fungus is not just for soil. Although if I did have horses and could make my own compost like you do I would definitely be doing that. I don't like to bring dirt inside the house because it's dirty and has bugs other than that awesome shit literally and figuratively speaking MH! I like to use Down to Earth crab meal in my rockwool as it keeps bad fungus at bay and really helps beneficials. The cytosan in the crab meal is the shit they put in bud factor X from AN just thought I would share that. I have been using terpenator and like the results. Remo did a test on his grow one with terpenator and one without. The tepenator plant had 23% thc and the one without had 19% thc. Just one test so it needs more research. Look at the way they use rockwool for agriculture in the Netherlands it's pretty cool..100% recycled!
I am happy for you. Now kindly take your epic knowledge and fuck off.


Well-Known Member
I have used a few different mychorrizae. The next one I was trying is xtreme gardenings mykos with azos ,og tea veganic special sauce in the bottom of my pots. I like the price of myco-grow from fungiperfect and might use it instead of mykos but not too worried about saving a few bucks I'd rather get whatever has the best results even if it costs more.
You're paying for packaging and name bro..look at the species list and compare...


Well-Known Member
I like how people think you have to grow in soil to create a "soil web". I have used rockwool and soil both for 17 years and honestly rockwool out performs soil in growth rates and in my personal opinion flavor. The only exception would be full sun outdoor or greenhouse of course. If you go to the grodan website it tells you a lot of useful information about rockwool. Like how it can be recycled easily, I personally reuse mine by taking out the root ball and soaking the used rockwool in enzymes for a week or so until the dead roots break down. Plants love to eat themselves so the just turn into nutrients. With factory processing, one cubic metre of basalt can produce approximately fifty cubic metres of stone wool. So it is actually not all that bad. It's inert and that's my favorite part. I know exactly what is in my shit. I can create the "soil web" in rockwool with good worm cast compost tea and seal in a tub with some oatmeal sprinkled on top and check it a week later bam fungal web created. You can feed this "soil web" with sugars carbs and aminos to really see some action. Fungus is not just for soil. Although if I did have horses and could make my own compost like you do I would definitely be doing that. I don't like to bring dirt inside the house because it's dirty and has bugs other than that awesome shit literally and figuratively speaking MH! I like to use Down to Earth crab meal in my rockwool as it keeps bad fungus at bay and really helps beneficials. The cytosan in the crab meal is the shit they put in bud factor X from AN just thought I would share that. I have been using terpenator and like the results. Remo did a test on his grow one with terpenator and one without. The tepenator plant had 23% thc and the one without had 19% thc. Just one test so it needs more research. Look at the way they use rockwool for agriculture in the Netherlands it's pretty cool..100% recycled!
You are using the word "organic" pretty loosely in describing how you grow. Rockwoll has a pathetic cation exchange capacity, and does not support a thriving microbial population which is why you are using bottles of plant available "organic" nutrients which do not require microbial mineralization. A true organic medium hosts an army of microbes which process the various organic meals and deliver those to the plant when signalled to do so. You are forgoing that entire process (the very basis of organic growing) and directly feeding the plant with your bottles.

An inert, inorganic substrate will always be inferior when it comes to organic growing.


Well-Known Member
You are using the word "organic" pretty loosely in describing how you grow. Rockwoll has a pathetic cation exchange capacity, and does not support a thriving microbial population which is why you are using bottles of plant available "organic" nutrients which do not require microbial mineralization. A true organic medium hosts an army of microbes which process the various organic meals and deliver those to the plant when signalled to do so. You are forgoing that entire process (the very basis of organic growing) and directly feeding the plant with your bottles.

An inert, inorganic substrate will always be inferior when it comes to organic growing.
The poster is confused about much of the biological functions of plants, they have made that abundantly clear.

A fool and his money, how easily do they part.
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