G13 labs Pure power, white widow, and Power skunk


Well-Known Member
How are these freebies from attitude? Anyone have a grow journal with some pics? How is the high, the yield, and any info you can give? Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about the strains you got but my freebies from 2 months ago diesel, and gigabud didn't germinate. I have yet to hear 1 single good thing about G-13 LABS


Active Member
Haven't fully grown yet, but both my white widow and power skunk have germinated. 4 of 5 skunk and the white widow.


Well-Known Member
The six freebies I got all germed and are doing great, in fact their doing better than some of the beans I bought. The one in the back is Pure Power and is the biggest seedling that I have.


Well-Known Member
I got some of the free seeds from them with an order a while ago. They all germinated, but my dog ripped 2 of them out, and of the 2 left, Durban Poison and Northern lights, the Durban is looking decent, but the NL is a weak short spindly piece. I'm sure these are just really old stock or weak genes, and it's not doing much for folks opinions of G13 seeds.


Well-Known Member
The six freebies I got all germed and are doing great, in fact their doing better than some of the beans I bought. The one in the back is Pure Power and is the biggest seedling that I have.
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I have been growing a G13 "Labs" "Power skunk" for @ 1 month and that thing is fucking small and stretched out. The White Label Seed Co. Double Gum I ordered is doing good though.


Well-Known Member
My dude got the G-13 power skunk freebies, and they are the tiniest beans we have ever seen. Haven't germed them or anything yet.


Well-Known Member
most of my g13 freebies sprouted. the pure gold and purple lady fems are doing fine but the diesel fem never cracked. 3 of the 5 power skunk are looking good and growing very uniform. i guess that means decent genetics although its still only 3 weeks from seed so too early to know whats here for sure.


Active Member
The power skunk kinda looks like I picture sativa. Nice branching (but kinda lanky), thin leaves, fast growing. I also have a few Ice. They have the big wrinkly indica leaves and straight up (not much side branching) kind of thing going.


Well-Known Member
My dude got the G-13 power skunk freebies, and they are the tiniest beans we have ever seen. Haven't germed them or anything yet.
I agree , the size of the seeds made me wonder ...but no more wondering , out of the 5 freebies only 1 sprouted a root . FREE thats what I got. The Tude still rules .

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
I got the Purple Lady,Power Skunk, Pure Gold as freebies , tried the Purple Lady but its been 1 week in a moist towel and hasnt cracked yet
All the G13 free seeds were small as was said above. Really makes ya feel like paying for them (NOT)
what do the bought seeds look like?


Well-Known Member
My freebies are all doing pretty good. The seeds were kinda small, but I didn't think it really mattered.



Active Member
No problem germinating my Power Skunk and Ice freebies. Doesn't matter at all how small the seeds are, they germinated and grew just as well as anything. They were well fed and got tons of light, I did my best to make this work.

There are better choices for indica and sativa. They get you high, but then a lot of weed does. The Ice mentioned earlier looks pure indica and has neat leaves and growth habit in veg. Flowering was a huge disappointment. These were slow to bud, and even though they eventually bud like indicas and have calyxes longer than usual, the leafy buds are very airy so far and don't seem to be filling out. Worst indica buds ever. Very late to produce any frosting, and it's barely visible, even though it's been dank for a long time. This seemed overly sensitive to being too close to the (air cooled) light, got a lot of weird burning where other strains didn't mind. Smells just like all the commercial weed in town.

Power Skunk looks pure sativa. Very branchy and tall. Very. Vigorous but not in that good a way. Pretty leafy considering how thin the leaves are and how far apart the nodes are. There was some variation in the plants, some even more sativa than others; those have completely worthless, unbelievably airy and runny buds. The best were merely pretty runny and airy. Runny and airy is also a good description for it in veg. There will be some yield for the better plants, but it will be leafy and stemmy, nothing that resembles real buds. Very light and odd odor. Citrusy I guess but not like any citrus. Late frosting, not a lot of it, not sticky at all, the "buds" have a "dryness" about them. This was sensitive to being rootbound and needed a lot of room both above and below ground. It will all be turned into oil, along with the Ice.


Well-Known Member
Hey kurtz you bummed me out. You make it seem like it's not even worth the time. I guess it might be true what they say about free shit.


Well-Known Member
I agree bobilu, Kurtz kinda makes the power skunk seem like a waste of time and energy. I googled the strain a while back and there were a fair amount of posiitve results for Power Skunk also some good bud pics of it. However, I have never personally had any experience with it and if one is limited on grow space, it would be heartbreaking to get results as described by Kurtz.


Well-Known Member
Ive germed 2 for 5 g13 power skunk seeds.. theyre outdoor in a guerilla grow in not the best of conditions but im interested to see how it comes out.