G13 Labs Gigabud 400w Waterfarm

The bomb!! Don't know what else to say. :weed:

Thanks, but I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I am not pleased with this one.(I say that about every grow, I can always do better) Nonetheless I'm still excited to see how good or bad the smoke is. She's filling in quite nicely, I don't think I will be able to flower her as long as I think she should go though as I have travel plans. Unfortunate but shit happens.
From this morning,... 51 days of 12/12. Going to chop her down Thursday.

I'm guessing 4-4.5 oz dry. :(

On a positive note the smoke is pretty good. Not terribly long lasting but that's expected with no cure and a quick dry. Really heady, not much of a body stone.
nice work shimz! they really got fat! where are you going? that god damn thanksgivings got to ruin everything dosent it? whose gonna burp ur jars.? I say come down with a sickness.lol.the weeds more important then a stupid Turkey.
nice work shimz! they really got fat! where are you going? that god damn thanksgivings got to ruin everything dosent it? whose gonna burp ur jars.? I say come down with a sickness.lol.the weeds more important then a stupid Turkey.

The method I used last grow worked pretty well so I'm going to do that again. Driving back home for thanksgiving, 1k miles...
Well a bit of good news. All dried and weighed it's 7.2oz including the 1/4 or so I've smoked/given away, did not expect them to be as dense as they are. Some seriously rock solid bud. I will post pictures of them in jars later, the only picture I took while harvesting was this.....

Always good to see your work Mr2shim. Learned a lot from you man.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to mr2shim again.
Maybe, but it's no big deal, they all can't be great scroggers. I have plenty of seeds, going to start another grow right after this one anyway. Thinking it'll be critical kush.

You will love the critical Kush. Finishes is 50 days for reals.
Sorry about the quality of the pictures. Didn't realize I am out of batteries for my external flash.


do you do them half full because it had to do with how much you dried them and you plan to burp? this will allow more air to exchange??

or does it have to do with the amount of air for the cure, having to do with taste?

why half full?? :0

do you do them half full because it had to do with how much you dried them and you plan to burp? this will allow more air to exchange??

or does it have to do with the amount of air for the cure, having to do with taste?

why half full?? :0

They are half full because I don't like to fill the jars. I find that I don't have to open them as often being half or less full.
hey shim~ looking back i see the nodes split in two on their own.
I'm no botanist, so i'm not entirely sure; but i think what you saw there was polypoidy.
This can be a good thing, and some breeders seek it out. maybe that's the purpose of the strain was to have a polypoidy characteristic and be good for yield, i'm not all that sure though.
just saying maybe look into what happened there and see what it was, if you have a clone you may be able to breed it into a strain that you like and get buds with that density, but better taste and stuff (reading you aren't impressed with the quality)

cool, that's a neat trick, haven't thought of that. I've always liked my big jars; I think i'll stick buying with more wide mouth big jars , I love that you can stick your hand in there

i'm not at all saying polypoidy is always a good thing, i'm just saying its rare to see that mutation.