G13 haze/whitewiddow/bluecheese


Well-Known Member
Well these are from today, not to many changes as its only been a day since my last update, but the shoots are getting bigger as each day passes, the smaller ones are just starting to grow shoots, so ill tie them down once again once the shoots are at a adequate level and pass up the fan leaves.



Well-Known Member
i believe you bro. i want some of that white widow i cant wait to see the buds from her. im thinkin bout one of those feminized pick mix packs from attitude seeds. its got
  • A.M.S
  • Church
  • Train Wreck
  • White Widow
  • White Rhino


Well-Known Member
They just got fed a small dosage of growbig, a half dosage of tigerbloom, and a full dosage of bigbloom. This is the first week of flower still. Im getting pretty anxious


Well-Known Member
well i only give them grow big for 1 week in flower usually, cause tigerbloom has enough nitrogen in it. For the rest of the way out i just use tigerbloom and bigbloom.


Well-Known Member
They just woke up a bit ago so i snapped a few pics...I noticed one discolored leaf i dont think its anything serious....its weird though it dont appear to be nute burn..im thinking perhaps water was left on the leaf and the hps maginfied through the water and burned the leaf...perhaps. but they are looking great, shortly after these pics i began tieing down more nodes..within this last week the plants have easily doubled in size which happens alot but the white widdow and g13 haze are just getting humongous so fast.



Well-Known Member
Ok well today is the 4th of may, that makes it the 10th day since i have gone 12/12, Today i went ahead and tied down the two smaller plants since they got a little larger, within about 5-6 hours they should already be stretching back toward the light. I noticed some minor leaf discoloring, Im hoping it isnt an issue, its only a couple leaves in the entire grow so im not gonna panic unless its becomes an epidemic like the swine flu. :twisted:

Okay, well i know people dont really start to pay attention until they get to see some nice nugs haha, but im gonna continue to post pics for the people who are reading this journal to help them with their future grows or whatnot. Also for i can look back at my first g13,ww,and bc grows.

no more yappin, and if u dont like my thread you can kiss-ass

lol i just wanted to throw that pic in here hahaha :shock:



Well-Known Member
looks good as far as i can see. i still wanna see the buds from that ww. good job i agree yellowing leaves is a sign of lack of nitrogen thats what i read in FAQ on here how to correct it pee on ur plant


Well-Known Member
i would never ever use piss as a nitrogen nute
and i know yellowing is a nitrogen deficiency
but they arent yellow, its just the flash of the camera
and the HPS mixing the colors up


Well-Known Member
Alright well i snapped some pics this morning, 3 of the 5 seem to be alot farther along than 2 that are in the back of the pack, still waiting for them to come along. Yesterday they got watered with just ph'd water, next water they will get a feed of bigbloom, and the last feed of growbig. I picked up some mollases this past weekend aswell. The two closeups are of the White Widdow, and G13 Haze.



Well-Known Member
hey im using 2 4'x9' flowering tents. Going to have 1kw in each. Does it get pretty hot in your tent at all? I havnt started my grow yet but I have a 675cfm vortex that are going to cool both lights. But should i have have cold air blowing in also?


Well-Known Member
It depends, sometimes my tent will get a bit hot even with the A/C on, when its about 1-2 pm my room isnt very cold like it is throughout the rest of the day so i leave my tent open for a couple hours in order to make sure to keep my heat below 85, if i dont run the a/c with the two lights on and my tent closed it will exceed 90 degrees even with my 273 cfm fan, i have about 5 feet of ducting with no bends in it and the 273cfm fan seems weak, even though its more feet than my tent. but if that fan you have it might work better than mine, with the two 600w's running in my tent, i have to have cold air coming in to keep my tent at a decent temperature.


Well-Known Member
this "might could" be useful to some of you running ac all the time,,,



  • Engineered for maximum efficiency
  • Allows you to keep a sealed room which keeps your CO2 in and pests and pathogens out
  • Water approximately 10 degrees cooler than the room temp will eliminate the bulb heat from a 1000 watt lamp
  • Water approximately 20 degrees cooler than the room temp will reduce or even eliminate the need for a/c
  • Can be connected directly to the reflector or can be wall mounted with optional wall mount kit


Well-Known Member
yeah i know it would, i just aint got the cash for it right now. when i get some cash flowing again im gonna get a air cooled reflector for sure.

Yesterday i noticed some signs of thripes or perhaps aphids, small black visible dots (poop) and the leaves had silvery splotches, only on a hand full of leaves so i put some thripe traps that i had on the bottoms of the plants, i had ran into this problem last year aswell but i never had a bad problem with any pests so hopefully they wont be a problem im gonna get some lady bugs this weekend. It was only on the very bottom leaves that didnt get no sun light so I removed the majority of leaves that i seen it on probably about 7-8 small leaves.

I looked at the leaves with my scope, and only saw 1 clear bug crawling around....but has me kinda paranoid.

