G13 Cannabisseeds.com 2nd RIU Grow


Well-Known Member
Today I got in a 20 pack of G13 beans from Cannabisseeds.com

Tonight I dropped 6 of them into some Grodan starter cubes ph'd out to 5.8 and put them into 3 month MG soil cut 50/50 with perlite like I did my White widows. I would love to hear from some other people that have done some G13 grows with any advice/ pointers. As always everyones welcome on my grows and I'm always open to suggestons. Will post photo's as soon as they pop up.
I am growing g-13 backcrossed with itself. I will be finishing in a few weeks. It does not get tall but really bushy so ideal for an indoor grow if you have ceilings around 8ft. The usual flowering period is 45-50 days but it is not uniform with all plants. So, if you have a handheld microscope use it. Now mine were indica now yours might be a hybrid you will know. But if you notice it is an indica dominant with more than 80% then it will love the higher end of nutrients. You will love this it does not smell that bad when in flower meaning bad as attracting attention. It has a smell of avocado,papaya, and cedar to it. It is susceptible to powdery mildew so watch your humidity levels closely or you will spot treat your foliage constantly. Mites will attack but the good thing it will not annihlate the plants. The buds have crazy looking devil horned calyxes and are compact. The resin and crystal formation is phenomenol so if you know how to make hash then it is a good strain to make hash out of. Of course it is not the original g-13 its more like a diluted form but pretty damn stoney and couchlocky. I have ordered from that website before actually white widows so be prepared that you may have some hybrid but an awesome hybrid would be g-13 with haze. Were your white widows from that website as well? That is my next batch. SO far the ones I attempted germinating were all successful. A batch that went into flowering had 3 males out of 4. At least I have a mother that is a female and hopefully the net batches will be females but still waiting on the clones I took from the vegging plants to determine sex. Best of luck to you and hope you have a g-13 or at least a good hybrid of it.


Well-Known Member
Thank you very much for the heads up on the G13 Calicat. The WW i got from Nirvana Seeds, not Cannabisseeds.com I'll def keep an eye out for mold on these ladies, so far so good on my WW's with no real nute def's or bugs / mold etc. Sorry to hear about the male raio on those thats no count.


Well-Known Member
Update Day 5 4/7 beans have now cracked, got 1 sprout so far almost opened up her first pair.


Well-Known Member
Day 6 Here's a pic of the one that sprouted. I've got 4/7 that have cracked, this is the only one that's above soil so far. Gonna give the other 3 seeds a few more days, if they don't do nothing, gonna try and germinate 3 more.
well thats taking quite a while to crack and sprout dont you think???i think ill just try the 20 fem seeds for 30 dollars..they aer at a price that you just gotta see for yaself..


Well-Known Member
I ordered the Super Silver Haze Fem's from them and juicy fruit. Decided to wait on the Hawaiian Indica, don't wanna put all my eggs in one basket so to speak. Instead of getting the Hawaiian, I went back to Nirvana and grabbed the indoor mix. So I got a Master Kush, Afghan, Skunk#1, PPP, and Nirvana Special. Hopefully they be ladies. It was only 16 bucks more than getting another 20 pack from Cannabisseeds.com and even though i haven't got thiers up to size yet, I just have a gut feeling I'll be happy with the Nirvana route.


Well-Known Member
2 sprouted 3 with tails slowly pumping towards the top of the grodan starter cubes. This has been the longest germination i've ever been thru.

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
what up. it always feels so good when they pop theirlittle heads out. ijust switched some of my baby's to 12/12. will take some pics tonight and ut em up.


Well-Known Member
2nd batch of the WW feminized seeds went into flower several days ago and three out of three were female. Pending two more for sexing because the clones for sexing taking too long. So out of what I germed and the male to female ratio...cannabisseeds.com pretty damn good for 25 bucks I spent. I hope my next order comes through if not will try attitude.


Well-Known Member
Still the same risk Widow. That why i don't bother buying fem seeds, I'll know what they are when they show. Never saw the waste of money in fem seeds.
Only reason i bothered with SSH fem seeds from this place was the price for SSH period. So far 5/7 G13's popped and thats the final count.
damn i didnt know that..shit i thought you get fem seeds and grow only females..you are right about the price thats why i was planning on ordering from them to..just get the sshaze fem seeds and try them out..i was gonna order from marijuana nl..try out there ten super silver haze seeds and freebies..but ill wait to see how the fem seeds i ordered turns out..


Well-Known Member
Well the stock market took a steady shit today, largest loss ever. It re-enforces my ideals that 09 will be a big cash crop year ;)
Yeah Widow, they are treated to have a higher chance to be fem.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Chick,
Hope you have a blessed pregnancy, don't forget to use for morning sickness, don't believe the hype on makin ur kid stupid, I came out with a 182 I.Q. and my mom was a dialy smoker ;)


Well-Known Member
Thanks Chick,
Hope you have a blessed pregnancy, don't forget to use for morning sickness, don't believe the hype on makin ur kid stupid, I came out with a 182 I.Q. and my mom was a dialy smoker ;)
hahaha wow! how far along did she smoke till?


Well-Known Member
Here's a little update I'm gonna start this off calling this about day 5 since that been about how long since the first one sprouted it's first pr.
I've got 2 still in the humidity dome with a CFL on em trying to get em on up and into the land of the living. The other three are already sporting their first pr of true leaves. Off in my other Journal the WW's are getting fat as hell now. Here's a pic of the G13 leader.
