G13 Auto AK - First time auto


Well, still looking good. Camera is charging at the moment so pics tomorrow perhaps. Not much to say other than some strong growth going on. Got first full strength dose of neut today, is this too late? Had a half strength dose about a week ago when it was reported into fertilizer free mix


Well-Known Member
Hey Additives, Lookin good man! I am growing 4 G13 AK Auto and have been following your progress. I am on Day 13 veg for 1 and day 10 veg for the other 3. I want pistles too whaaaaaaa! I have a noob question for ya. How long do you flower these AK autos? What yeild do you expect?


Hey Ibbongtoke,

You should be getting some pistles soon i think, mine came in around day 17 of veg (20ish days since it popped the soil). As for how long, I really don't know. I'm thinking it'll be short, but I can't find any grows all the way through, so I'll be looking at the trics. This is my first time with the seeds, 30 days now and still really just looking at the start of flowering....we will see how it goes :)


2 weeks since pre-flowers, CFL's aren't enough light but I have no cash till the new year most likely, so looks like no upgrades till the next grow. It's starting to get WARM here tho, so it will be interesting to see how it copes with the usual 40C + new years :/

DAY 14 OF FLOWER (DAY 34 from Seed)
i planted mine in a party cup and the thing is a midget plant now. i didnt know to plant auto flowers in a bigger pot the first time. i'm pretty upset because i wanted the yield and im not going to get it.... f.

thing smells like a champ its under hps half the time and led half the time. 24 hours of light a day.


Active Member
Yes she has..right when the first hairs showed I strted to do so...I pulled the main stalk to one side and then the same to the smaller one all in a circle..from there lil byds started to grow up from the middle filling her up....check out my journal...wich I need to update

Fatty McDoobs

Well-Known Member
I'm growing my G13 Labs Auto Ak Freebie as well!

Here she is 8 days through the medium. Your looks like she may have took off a lot quicker then mine. Any tips? What light schedual did you use when se was under 2 weeks old? I'm doing 24 hrs of light.